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Michigan State University

Michigan Sea Grant - A Resource Guide: Article Research

Articles - Refresher

Articles contain the most current information published in a field of study. The Library Catalog contains the journal titles to all of the print and electronic format journals to which we subscribe.  The Catalog does not list the articles within the journals.  Articles are in article databases.


Most professors and researchers prefer articles that are "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed" in nature.  The table located here: Popular vs. Scholarly Periodicals describe characteristics of scholarly journals to help you make the distinction


If you are still uncertain about the scholarly nature of a journal, you all look up the title or ISSN in the periodical database Ulrichs Periodical Directory (UlrichsWeb).  This database will tell you about the journal including the nature, it's audience, and in which databases it is indexed and abstracted.

Environment and Water Subscription Databases

Education Subscription Databases

Tourism Subscription Databases

Fisheries, Water, Natural Resources, and Extension Non-Subscription Resources

Popular, Scholarly, or Trade?

Learn the difference between three major types of articles. Get tips for using each type.

Direct link to "Popular, Scholarly, or Trade?" on MSU Mediaspace

Video credit: Emilia Marcyk