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Spanish American Literature: A Guide to Selected Resources: Reference Works

Recommended online

The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature. Volume 1, Discovery to Modernism

The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature. Volume 2, The Twentieth Century

The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature. Volume 3, Brazilian Literature

Volume 3 includes an extensive bibliographical section in which annotated reading lists relating to the chapters in all three volumes of The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature are presented.

World Literature in Spanish

Especially good for comparative literature topics and for its attention to Spanish language literature from outside the Hispanic world, e.g., writing from Africa. Thematic entries followed by short bibliographies. Includes a guide to related topics and appendices to topics geographically and by century.

Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture

Coverage includes biographical profiles of important figures in politics, letters and the arts. Utilize the general index to locate entries on your topic.

Encyclopedia of Latin American and Caribbean Literature, 1900-2003

1200-plus entries on authors, critics, works, genres and movements.

Dictionaries, encyclopedias and surveys in print

The Cambridge History of Latin American Literature. Roberto González Echevarría and Enrique Pupo-Walker, eds. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. 3 vols. [PQ7081 .A1 C35 1996]

Exceptional, highly recommended.

Diccionario enciclopédico de las letras de América Latina. Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho y Monte Avila, 1995. 3 vols.
[PQ7081 .D515 1995]

Signed articles by 500 contributors from over 30 countries. Includes authors who write in English, French, and Dutch, as Spanish and Portuguese.

Diccionario de literatura española e hispanoamericana. Ricardo Gullón ... [et al.] Madrid: Alianza, 1993. 2 vols.
[PQ6006 .D6 1993 Main Stacks]

Latin American Writers. Carlos Alberto Solé and María Isabel Abreu, eds. New York: Scribner, 1989. 3 vols.
[PQ7081 .A1 L37 1989 Area Studies Reference, 2 East, and Main Reference]

Excellent resource includes critical essays on over 175 authors, with bibliographies of works, criticism, and biographies.

Latin American writers. Supplement I.
[PQ7081 .A1 L37 1989 Suppl. Area Studies Reference, 2 East, and Main Reference]

Literary Cultures of Latin America: A Comparative History. Mario J. Valdes and Djelal Kadir, eds. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 2004. 3 vols.[PQ7081.A1 L525 2004 Area Studies Reference, 2 East]

This monumental, multidisciplinary source features 205 signed articles by 242 international scholars. Broad in scope, it includes lesser-known authors and Brazilian literature. Advanced language and subject matter, and not traditional in organization: v. 1 Configurations of literary culture, v. 2 Institutional modes and cultural modalities, v. 3 Latin American literary culture.

Pedraza Jiménez, Felipe B. Manual de literatura hispanoamericana. Berriozar, Navarra: Cénlit, 1991- . 7 vols.
[PQ7081 .M278 1991 Area Studies Reference, 2 East]

Extensive survey: 1. Epoca virreinal -- 2. Siglo XIX -- 3. Modernismo -- 4. La época de las vanguardias -- 5. La época contemporánea: introducción, teatro y poesía -- 6. La época contemporánea: prosa -- 7. Cronología. Indice de títulos. Indice de autores y obras anónimas. Indice general.

The Oxford Companion to Spanish Literature. Ward, Philip, ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.
[PQ6006 .O93 Area Studies Reference, 2 East, Main Reference and Main Stacks]

Includes Spanish American authors and literature.

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Ask Mary Jo Zeter, Latin American & Caribbean Studies Bibliographer