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Michigan State University

Researching Controversial Topics in Biotechnology: Specific Topics

Guide for undergraduates who want to write about the social, societal or ethical implications of biotechnology.

Specific Topics for Research

Biological Warfare/Weapons
Search the Online Catalog using the term "biological weapons"

Cloning: Human and Animal
Search the Online Catalog using the term "cloning" (very broad and will get you a lot of DNA cloning, not just animal or human cloning) or "cloning,organism", or "human cloning"

Besides the article databases listed on the articles tab, try also searching PubMed using the very specific phrase: "cloning,organism". This does bring up news articles and other more popular literature on issues and ethics.

Genetically Modified Foods (or Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs, GMO foods, "Frankenfoods")
Search the Online Catalog using the phrases "genetically modified foods" or "transgenic organisms" or "genetically modified organisms"

Human Genome/Genomics/Personalized Medicine
Search Online Catalog using the phrases "human genome",  "personalized medicine", or "pharmacogenetics"


Try adding the words "popular works" to any of your searches to get books geared toward a non-technical audience rather than professional scientists.  Example search:  cloning and popular works


Subject Guide