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Michigan State University

Botanical and Plant Biology Research Guide: Mich. Acad. of Science, Arts, and Letters

This is a general guide to finding information on plants, including floras, taxonomy, identification keys, habitat and growing needs.

Selected articles from the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters

In 1900, the Michigan Academy began publishing papers presented at its annual meetings which have been held since 1894. They have been published annually without interruption, but they have appeared under three different periodical titles over the years:

• From 1900 to 1921, the papers were published once annually in a single bound volume as a Report of the Michigan Academy of Science. Generally, these volumes published the papers from the meeting of the year previously, though they occasionally published papers from the annual meetings of several preceding years. 1894-1902 sources, 1904-1916 sources. .

• From 1922 to 1968, the papers were published once annually in a single bound volume and then eventually in quarterly installments as Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Print source, electronic sources

• From 1969 to the present, the papers have been published in quarterly numbers of the Michigan Academician (print, electronic)..

Listed below are articles that concentrate on floras and plant groups in Michigan. Note that many more articles on particular species, plant and seed biologies, and floras or plant groups existing outside of Michigan are not listed here. Index to all published papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (1894--2012) is publicly-accessible and can be searched to locate additional articles.

Ackley, Alma B. 1932. “Preliminary Report on Michigan Algae, Exclusive of Desmids and Diatoms.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 15:1–49.

Alexander, S. 1904. “Some Interesting Michigan Plants; Possibly Some New Species.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 6:88–89.

Alexander, S. 1910. “Plants New to Michigan.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 12:97.

Alexander, S. 1911. “Outline Key of the Groups of the Genus Helianthus in Michigan.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 13:191–98.

Alexopoulos, Const. J., and E. S. Beneke. 1953. “New Records of Myxomycetes from Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 38:3–7.

Angell, Virginia C, and Frances L. Stearns. 1932. “Crataegi of Grand Rapids, Michigan and Vicinity.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 17:1–50.

Bach, Ellen B. 1907. “The Characeae of Michigan.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 9:126.

Baxter, Dow V. 1929. “Mycorrhiza and Scotch Pine in The University of Michigan Forest Nursery.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 9:509–16.

Bazuin, Clayton W. 1948. “Interesting Species of Vascular Plants Collected in Western Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 32:3–13.

Beal, W J. 1903. “Michigan Flora, Fern and Seed Plants Growing without Cultivation.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, edited by Jason B Pollock, 5:1–147. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Academy [Michigan Academy of Science].

Beardslee, H. C. 1917. “Michigan Collections of Myxomycetes.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 19:159–62.

Beaufait, William R., and Robert T. Browe. 1962. “Phytogeography of a Representative Outwash Plain Jack Pine Site.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 47:201–9.

Billington, Cecil. 1925. “The Flowering Plants and Ferns of Warren Woods, Berrien County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 4:81–110.

Billington, Cecil. 1928. “The Flora of a Recently Exposed Shoal, Whitney Bay, Drummond Island, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 8:51–58.

Billington, Cecil. 1930. “The Flora of Two Acres of Farm Land in Oakland County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 11:51–73.

Bingham, Marjorie Tellefsen. 1937. “A Study of Vegetational Invasion and Succession on a Denuded Area of The Cranbrook Estate, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 23:101–8.

Brooks, Travis E., and Donald T. Kowalski. 1963. “A Preliminary Survey of the Myxomycetes of Emmet and Cheboygan Counties.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 48:131–36.

Brown, Forest B. H. 1917. “Flora of a Wayne County Salt Marsh.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 19:219.

Brown, Forest B. H. 1917. “The Forest Associations of Wayne County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 19:209–17.

Case, Frederick W., and George L. IV Burrows. 1962. “The Genus Trillium in Michigan: Some Problems of Distribution and Taxonomy.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 47:189–200.

Chase, H. H. 1904. “Flora Michiganensis: Algae: Diatomaceae (A List).” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 5:166–69.

Cochran, Lloyd C., and Ray Nelson. 1933. “Observations on the Distribution and Flowering of Certain Lemnaceae in Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 17:67–68.

Coons, George Herbert. 1912. “Preliminary Host Index of the Fungi of Michigan, Exclusive of the Basidiomycetes, and of the Plant Diseases of Bacterial and Physiological Origin.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 14:232–76.

Cooper, William Skinner. 1914. “A Catalogue of the Flora of Isle Royale, Lake Superior.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 16:109–31.

Dachnowski, Alfred. 1907. “Flora of the Marquette Quadrangle.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 9:88–103.

Daniels, Francis Potter. 1904. “Ecology of the Flora of Sturgis, Michigan, and Vicinity.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, (1902):145–59.

Daniels, Francis Potter. 1904. “The Flora of the Vicinity of Manistee, Michigan.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 4:125–44. Michigan Academy of Science.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1921. “Contributions to the Flora of Gogebic County, Michigan.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 22:147–76.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1923. “Contributions to the Flora of Gogebic County, Michigan, Part II.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 1:74–82.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1931. “Vegetation of The Porcupine Mountains, Northern Michigan: Part I. Ecology.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 13:9–66.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1937. “Vegetation of the Porcupine Mountains, Northern Michigan: Part II. Floristics.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 22:33–68.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1938. “Lichens Collected in the Porcupine Mountains, Northern Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 23:117–21.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1940. “Some Vegetational Aspects of Beaver Island, Lake Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 25:31–38.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1920. “Distribution of the Orchidaceae in Michigan.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 21:239–61.

Darlington, Henry Townsend. 1918. “Weed Immigration in Michigan.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 20:261–67.

Davis, Charles A. 1900. “Flora of Michigan Lakes.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 1:24–31.

Dodge, C. K. 1907. “Observations on the Crataegi in the Vicinity of Port Huron.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 9:123–25.

Dodge, C. K. 1911. “Results of the Mershon Expedition to the Charity Islands, Lake Huron: Plants.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 13:173–90.

Dodge, C. K. 1913. “The Flowering Plants, Ferns and Their Allies of Mackinac Island.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 15:218–37.

Dodge, C. K. 1908. “A Botanical Trip to Thunder Bay Island.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 10:40–41.

Dodge, Sheridan L. 1997. “Presettlement Vegetation of Michigan’s Thumb Area.” In Michigan Academician, 29:453–72.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1901. “A Catalogue of the Flora of Detroit.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 2:31–68.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1913. “The Flora of Parkedale Farm, with Special Reference to Stony Creek Valley.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 15:150–92. Contributions to the Botany of Michigan No. 9.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1904. “Contributions to the Botany of Michigan, No. 8.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 6:200–214.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1910. “Notes on the Yellow Adder’s-Tongue.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 12:98.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1916. “Contributions to the Botany of Michigan, No. 14.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 17:167–82.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1916. “Fern Notes.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 18:78–94.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1917. “New Species and Varieties from Michigan.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 19:247–49.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1917. “Rare or Interesting Plants in Michigan.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 19:251–61.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1918. “The Trillium Grandiflorum Group.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 20:155–59.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1918. “Notes on the Michigan Flora.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 20:161–95.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1918. “The Yellow Flowered Cypripediums.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 20:197–98.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1920. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, II.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 21:345–71.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1921. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, III.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 22:177–85.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1923. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, IV.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 1:85–100.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1923. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, V.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 2:11–46.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1924. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, VI.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 3:87–109.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1938. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, VII.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 23:123–34.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1941. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, VIII.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 26:3–20.

Farwell, Oliver Atkins. 1945. “Notes on the Michigan Flora, IX.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 30:57–62.

Frederick, Douglas J., Lawrence Rakestraw, Christopher R. Eder, and Robert A. Van Dyke. 1977. “Original Forest Vegetation of the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and a Comparison with Present Conditions.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 9:433–43.

Gates, F. C., and J. H. Ehlers. 1925. “An Annotated List of the Higher Plants of the Region of Douglas Lake, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 4:183–284.

Gates, F. C., and John Henry Ehlers. 1928. “Additions To An Annotated List of the Higher Plants of the Region of Douglas Lake, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 8:111–20.

Gates, Frank C. 1923. “Extensions of Range of Plants in the Douglas Lake Region, Cheboygan County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 2:47–48.

Gates, Frank C., and J. H. Ehlers. 1931. “Additions To An Annotated List of the Higher Plants of the Region of Douglas Lake, Michigan - II.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 13:67–88.

Gilmore, Melvin R. 1931. “Dispersal By Indians a Factor in the Extension of Discontinuous Distribution of Certain Species of Native Plants.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 13:89–94.

Gleason, Henry Allan. 1913. “Some Interesting Plants from the Vicinity of Douglas Lake.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 15:147–49.

Gustafson, Alton H. 1942. “Notes on the Algal Flora of Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 71:27–36.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1938. “Additions to the Flora of Michigan - I.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 23:135–39.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1939. “Plants New or Rare in Michigan Records.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 24:3–7.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1940. “Additions to the Flora of Michigan - II.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 25:39–42.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1941. “Additions to the Flora of Michigan - III.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 26:21–22.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1942. “The Atlantic Coastal Plain Element in the Flora of Kalamazoo County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 27:37–43.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1943. “Additions to the Flora of Michigan - IV.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 28:37–40.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1945. “Additions to the Flora of Michigan - V.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 30:63–66.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1947. “Observations on the Habits of Some of the Native Plants of Kalamazoo County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 31:25–31.

Hanes, Clarence R. 1950. “Additions to the Flora of Kalamazoo County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 34:9–12.

Hedrick, Joyce. 1940. “Lichens of Northern Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 25:47–65.

Hermann, Frederick J. 1937. “Additions to the Flora of Chippewa County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 22:85–89. Michigan Academicy of Science, Arts and Letters.

Hermann, Frederick J. 1936. “Additions to the Flora of Washtenaw County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 21:81–87.

Hermann, Frederick J. 1937. “Additions to the Flora of Washtenaw County, Michigan - II.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 22:91–94.

Hermann, Frederick J. 1939. “Additions to the Flora of Washtenaw County, Michigan - III.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 24:17–23.

Kanouse, Bessie B. 1926. “On the Distribution of the Water Molds, with Notes on the Occurrence in Michigan of Members of the Leptomitaceae and Blastocladiaceae.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 5:105–14.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1906. “Unreported Michigan Fungi from Petoskey, Detroit, and Ann Arbor for 1905.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 8:26–37.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1907. “Unreported Michigan Fungi for 1906.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 9:83–87.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1908. “Unreported Michigan Fungi for 1907, with an Outline of the Gasteromycetes of the State.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 10:63–84.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1909. “Unreported Michigan Fungi for 1908, with a Monograph of the Russulas of the State.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 11:55–91.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1910. “Unreported Michigan Fungi for 1909.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 12:99–103.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1911. “Unreported Michigan Fungi for 1910, with Outline Keys of the Common Genera of Basidiomycetes and Ascomycetes.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 13:215–49.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1916. “Unreported Michigan Fungi for 1911, 1912, 1913, and 1914.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 17:194–216.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1977. “Unreported Michigan Fungi for 1915 and 1916, with an Index to the Hosts and Substrata of Basidiomycetes.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 19:145–57.

Kauffman, Calvin Henry. 1929. “A Study of the Fungous Flora of the Lake Superior Region of Michigan, with Some New Species.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 9:169–218.

Kenoyer, Leslie A. 1929. “Sand Dune Plants of Kalamazoo County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 9:219–21.

Kenoyer, Leslie A. 1943. “Forest Associations of Ottawa County, Michigan, at the Time of the Original Survey.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 28:47–50.

Kern, Heinz. 1955. “Taxonomic Studies in the Genus Leucostoma.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 40:9–22.

Liggett, Christopher, and Larry A. Leefers. 1990. “Temporal Aspects of Ecosystem Biodiversity: A Case Study of the Aspen Types in Michigan.” In Michigan Academician, 22:371–79.

Longyear, B. O. 1900. “Remarks Concerning the Saprophytic Fungi Grown in the Vicinity of the Agricultural College.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 1:97–99.

Longyear, B. O. 1902. “Notes on Michigan Saprophytic Fungi.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 3:55–57.

Longyear, B. O. 1902. “New Species of Michigan Fungi.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 3:57–60.

Longyear, B. O. 1904. “Preliminary List of the Saprophytic Fleshy Fungi Known to Occur in Michigan.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 4:113–24.

Lowe, Josiah L. 1936. “On the Lichen Flora of Northern Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 21:119–26.

MacCurdy, H. M. 1912. “On Certain Relations of the Flora and Vertebrate Fauna of Gratiot County, Michigan, with an Appended List of Mammals and Amphibians.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 14:217–25.

Mains, Edwin B. 1935. “Michigan Fungi. I.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 20:81–94.

McAtee, W L. 1921. “Notes on Interesting Plants of Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 1:155–66. [Lansing]: [Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters].

McDermid, C. C. 1911. “The Orchid Flora of the Vicinity of Battle Creek.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 13:202–3.

Oosting, Henry J. 1932. “Distribution of the Genus Potamogeton in Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 15:141–71.

Pepoon, H. S. 1907. “The Flora of Southwestern Michigan.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 9:104–12.

Pollack, Jeffrey M., and Calvin Henry Kauffman. 1905. “Michigan Fungi.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 7:57–67.

Povah, Alfred Hubert William. 1931. “Fungi of Rock River, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 13:173–89.

Povah, Alfred Hubert William. 1935. “The Fungi of Isle Royale, Lake Superior.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 20:113–56.

Praeger, W. E. 1920. “A Collection of Sphagnum from the Douglas Lake Region, Cheboygan County, Michigan.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 19:237–38.

Prescott, Gerald W. 1938. “Further Notes on the Desmids of Isle Royale, Michigan: The Genus Cosmarium.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 23:203–14.

Quick, Bert Edwin. 1913. “The Pine Hills at Lowell, Michigan.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 15:145–46.

Robertson, Betty M. 1941. “Distribution of the Ranunculaceae in Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 26:31–59.

Smith, Alexander H. 1930. “Fruit-Tree Mycorrhiza Around Ann Arbor, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 11:243–48.

Smith, Alexander H. 1938. “Unusual Agarics from Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 23:215–22.

Smith, Alexander H. 1940. “Studies in the Genus Agaricus.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 25:107–38.

Sparrow, Frederick K., and William J. Koch. 1959. “Additions to the Phycomycete Flora of the Douglas Lake Region. IV. New Records and Notes for 1956–57.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 44:153–61.

Sparrow, Frederick K., R. A. Paterson, and R. M. Johns. 1965. “Additions to the Phycomycetes Flora of the Douglas Lake Region.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 50:115–23.

Stearnes, Francis L. 1905. “Study of Plants in Ravines Near Adrian.” In Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 7:68–72.

Stuntz, Daniel E. 1954. “Studies on the Genus Inocybe. II. New and Noteworthy Species from Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 39:53–84.

Sutton, John M. 1917. “Flora of the Detroit Zoological Tract.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 19:263–71.

Taylor, Sylvia. 1980. “The Alleghany Plum of Michigan’s Jack Pine Plains.” In Michigan Academician, 22:381–84.

Thompson, Bertha E. 1923. “Distribution of the Violaceae of Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 1:167–84.

Thompson, Paul Woodard. 1963. “The Character of an Ancient White Cedar Forest on South Manitou Island, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 48:177–86.

Waterman, W. G. 1918. “Ecology of the Pine Forest Relic at Interlochen, Michigan.” In Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, 20:241–44.

Woollett, Edith, Doris Dean, and Helen Coburn. 1926. “An Ecological Study of Smith’s Bog, Cheboygan County, Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 5:201–10.

Yuncker, T. G. 1923. “The Genus Cuscata in Michigan.” In Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 1:185–89.

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