Michigan State University

Collection Development Policy Statement: Military and Naval Sciences

Collection Management Issues


The Libraries can become aware of potentially relevant publications in several ways:

  • Titles identified through the GOBI profile system for consideration.
  • Works from major presses may come to us shelf-ready (no review) from GOBI through blanket orders.
  • Recent books reviewed in major professional periodicals, such as Parameters from the United States Army War College or Army History Magazine.
  • Classic or noteworthy books listed as suggested professional reading by the various service academies, such as the USMC Commandant's Professional Reading List.
  • Suggestions from users (although for highly specific works, ILL may be the best option). 


Materials can be considered for deselection when damaged or deteriorated beyond repair (with an option to buy replacements if needed). Monographs with no history of circulation over a significant number of years can be withdraw (through MSU Surplus); works with a history of use but no evidence of imminent use can be transferred to Remote Storage for paged access; little-used works that are rarely held in the BTAA or other U.S. libraries should be retained as part of the "national collection" and can be housed in Remote Storage.