Michigan State University

Collection Development Policy Statement: Browsing

Analysis of the Subject Field


Currently, English language only, but this could be reconsidered if a popular title in another language were requested by a patron.


Print monographs are the priority, although on occasion, a highly anticipated publication could be purchased as an e-book. 

Date of publication

Current (the current and previous two years)  imprints only are selected. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

While the Browsing Collection consists of many current best-selling publications, a move to increase the number of books by underrepresented authors began in earnest in 2020.  The Schuler Books approval plan was modified in  to include a larger number of works by BIPOC authors, for both fiction and non-fiction titles.  The inclusion of a more diverse set of authors and topics is aimed at building a more inclusive collection that better reflects the users of the collection and their interests.