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Michigan State University

Finding Business Books: Finding Books

Searching the Library Catalog

Finding Books

MSU Libraries Catalog

To search for books in the MSU Libraries on a topic, you will need to use the catalog, which searches for materials owned and located in the MSU Libraries - including books - and also journal titles, government documents, microforms, videos/DVDs/CDs, etc.

What's in the catalog?

  • Everything in the library except for articles.
  • Names of journals, magazines, and newspapers with info about our subscriptions, plus links

What's not in the catalog?

  • Articles. Click here for help finding articles.

Finding Electronic Books

We have several electronic books. They can be found in the catalog as well. You can find some Electronic Business Books collections here.

We also have a guide on using our E-books with E-readers:

Where is my book in the library?

The Business Library has several collections. We have

1. Regular stacks where you will find most items
2. Reserves
3. Reference
4. Popular Business Collection
5. Business Audio Books
6. Current Periodicals
7. Oversize.

See the Circulation Desk for assistance finding a book.

There are also books in the Main Library and other locations. See our Call number and location guide for more information.

What is a Call Number?

A Call Number is what you use to find the book on the shelves. The letters and numbers all mean something, but what is important to you is that no matter how long the call number you can find the book by breaking the call number into parts and continue to narrow down until you find your book.

Here is an example and how to find it: HF5389 .M674 2012

1. Find the shelves that contain the first letter(s). In our example the letters would be HF.

2. Find the first set of numbers (5389) within those shelves. These are in regular numerical order. For example, 5389 would come after 5340.

3. Find the second letter within those shelves. In our example the letter would be M.

4. Find the second set of numbers (674) within those shelves. These are in decimal order. For example, books would go in this order 63, 674, 68, 7.

5. There may be a third set of letters and numbers. These will also be in alphabetical and decimal number order. Example: TX911.3 .M3 N94 2011 

6. The last part of a call number may be a year. This indicates the publication date.

See the Circulation Desk for assistance.

Reserves (Assigned Reading)

Your instructor may put material on reserve/assigned reading.

You can find them at the Circulation Desk.

You need your ID and you may only check one item out at a time for a 2 hour time limit. They may not leave the library.

What if my book is not there?

If the book is CHECKED OUT:

Recall: Please use this form to request that we recall CHECKED OUT material and hold it for you. For more information about MSU recall policies, please call Circulation at 517/355-2333.

If the book is NOT owned by the MSU Libraries:

Get it through InterLibrary Loan (ILL):
Additional help with ILL:

More Help with Books

Ask a Business Librarian

Gast Business Library

Gast Business Library
Michigan State University
Law College Building
648 N. Shaw Lane, Room 50
East Lansing, MI  48824-1300
(517) 355-3380

Ask a Business Librarian