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AFRE 206: World Food, Population & Poverty: Home

Fall 2023

Articles - Refresher

  • Articles contain the most current information published in a field of study. The Library Catalog contains the journal titles to all of the print and electronic format journals to which we subscribe.  The Catalog does not list the articles within the journals.  Articles are in article databases.

Remote Storage Requests and ILL

Article Databases


Agriculture & Business

Sociology & General

AFRE Dissertations and Theses

Reviewing the literature reviews and research methodology sections of dissertations and theses can be useful when starting a research project, as well as when conducting a comprehensive literature review.

Finding Media - DVDs, Streaming films, Music, etc.

MSU Libraries provide access to many purchased or leased streaming videos that are not freely available on the internet. There are records for streaming videos in the library catalog just like there are for books, DVDs and other materials.

Agriculture & AFRE Librarian

Profile Photo
Suzanne Teghtmeyer
Main Library
366 W. Circle Dr.
East Lansing, MI 48824

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