American Indian Studies : a Bibliographic Guide / Phillip M. White. Englewood, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1995. 163pp. Main Library E77 .W52 1995 : Also available electronically.
Annotated Bibliography of Native American History from United States Federal Documents: Print and Online Resources / Brandon Burnette. Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Godort Occasional Papers, Number 7, June 2012.
Bibliographies of Northern and Central California Indians . Courtesy of the Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berekeley, 2012.
Bibliography of Native American Bibliographies / compiled by Phillip M. White. Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2004. 241pp. Main Library Z1209.2.N67 W55 2004
Ethnographic Bibliography of North America 4th ed. (1975)
Ethnographic Bibliography of North America.4th ed. Supplement (1990)
European views of the Americas, 1493-1750 (2010)
Guide to Research on North American Indians (1983)
Indians Of North America : Methods And Sources For Library Research (1983)
List of Publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology With Index to Authors and Titles (online edition 1997)
Native Americans : an Annotated Bibliography (1991)
Native Americans and the Environment. Past Present and Future. Recommended Reading List. Courtesy of the Wisconsin Water Library.
Native Americans in Michigan : An Annotated Bibliography
Native American Repatriation and Reburial: A Bibliography
Portals to the Past : A Bibliographical and Resource Guide to Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Russell M. Magnaghi.
American Indian Tribes / edited by the editors of Salem Press ; project editor, R. Kent Rasmussen. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2000. 2 vols. Main Library E77 .A53 2000 :
American Indians / consulting editor, Harvey Markowitz. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c1995. 3 vols. Main Library E76.2 .A45 1995 :
Atlas of the North American Indian. Checkmark Books. Main Library G1106.E1 W3 2009 :
Chronology of American Indian History. Facts on File. Main Library E77.S72 S66 2007 :
Encyclopedia of American Indian Contributions to the World : 15,000 years of inventions and innovations. Facts on File. Main Library E54.5 .K46 2002 :
Encyclopedia of American Indian History. ABC-Clio. Reference (1 Center) E77 .E48 2008.
Encyclopedia of American Indian Issues Today / Russell M. Lawson. Santa Barbara, CA : Greenwood, 2013. E76.2 .E527 2013 Online :
Encyclopedia of the American Indian Movement / Bruce E. Johansen. Santa Barbara : Greenwood, c2013. 362pp. Main Library E98.T77 J63 2013 (Online version coming soon):
Encyclopedia of American Indian Removal / Daniel F. Littlefield Jr. and James W. Parins, Editors. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, c2011. 2 volumes. Main Library E98.R4 E63 2011 :
Encyclopedia of Native American History / Peter C. Mancall, editor. New York, NY : Facts On File, c2011. 3 volumes. Main Library E77 .M265 2011 :
Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes. Facts on File. Main Library E76.2 .W35 2006 :
The encyclopedia of North American colonial conflicts to 1775 : a political, social, and military history / Spencer C. Tucker, volume editor ; James Arnold and Roberta Wiener, editors, documents volume ; Paul G. Pierpaoli, Jr., associate editor ; Justin Murphy, Jim Piecuch, assistant editors. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2008. 3 volumes (1188pp.) E181 .E6315 2008 Online :
Encyclopedia of North American Indians (online). Also available online via Academic OneFile. Print copy available : Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, c1996. 756pp. Main Library E76.2 .E53 1996 :
Gale Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes. Gale. Main Library E77 .G15 1998 :
Handbook of North American Indians. Smithsonian Institution. Reference and Main Library E76.2 .H36; also available in Government Documents Library (3 West), U.S. Documents Collection SI 1.20/2:
A Native American Encyclopedia : History, Culture, and Peoples / Barry M. Pritzker. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press , 2000. 591pp. Main Library E76.2 .P75 1998
Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Cambridge, England ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1996-2000. Main Library E77 .N62 1996 | Also available electronically via Cambridge Histories Online : v. 1. North America / edited by Bruce G. Trigger, Wilcomb E. Washburn
A Companion to American Indian History / edited by Philip J. Deloria and Neal Salisbury. Malden, Mass. : Blackwell, 2002. 513pp. Main Library E77 .C74 2002 | Also available electronically :
A Companion to the Anthropology of American Indians / Thomas Biolsi. Malden, Mass : Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Main Library E76.6 .C66 2004 (Also available online): ed'
Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars, 1492-1890. ABC-Clio. 278pp. Main Library E81 .K44 1997 :
Encyclopedia of Native American Wars and Warfare. Facts on File. Main Library E81 .E98 2005
The encyclopedia of North American Indian wars, 1607-1890 : a political, social, and military history / Spencer C. Tucker, editor ; James Arnold and Roberta Wiener, editors, documents volume ; Paul G. Pierpaoli, Jr., associate editor ; David Coffey, Jim Piecuch, assistant editors. Santa Barbara, Calif. : ABC-CLIO, c2011. 3 volumes. Main Library E81 .E984 2011 :
Forgotten Fights : Little-Known Raids and Skirmishes on the Frontier, 1823 to 1890 / Gregory F. Michno and Susan J. Michno. Missoula, Mont. : Mountain Press Pub. Co., 2008. 384pp. Main Library E81 .M53 2008 :
Handbook of the American Frontier : Four Centuries of Indian-White Relationships. Scarecrow Press. 5 volumes. Main Library E76.2 .H43 1987 available in print. Vols. 1-5 also available online