This guide contains print and web resources for understanding map and compass navigation
Print books available at MSU Libraries
Wilderness Navigation by Darran Wells; National Outdoor Leadership School (U.S.) Staff (Contribution by); Jon Cox (Illustrator)The National Outdoor Leadership School's official guide to finding your way in the wilderness Covers all navigational techniques, from map and compass to GPS and gives instructions on taking bearings and planning routes on USGS maps Up-to-date information on tools, equipment, and software, including smartphones and ipads for navigation, new emergency communication technology and solar power Updated and new illustrations by Jon Cox
Wilderness Navigation by Bob Burns; Mike BurnsSo, ah... where do you think we are? Wilderness Navigation will answer all your questions about reading maps; buying a compass; how to avoid getting lost, and what to do if that happens. It also covers wilderness route finding on trails, in the forest, in alpine areas and on snow and glaciers.
Call Number: GV200.4 .B87 1999
ISBN: 0898866294
Publication Date: 1999-04-01
E-Books available at MSU Libaries
Be Expert with Map and Compass by Bjorn Kjellstrom; Carina Kjellstrom Elgin; Carina Kjellstrom ElginThis popular, easy-to-use orienteering handbook has been helping people find their way for more than fifty years. Now updated to include information on GPS as well as current Web sites, references, sources, and photographs. Coverage includes understanding map symbols; traveling by map alone, by compass alone, or by map and compass together; finding bearings; sketching maps; and traveling in the wilderness.
ISBN: 9780470508541
Publication Date: 2009-11-16
Land Navigation Handbook by W. S. KalsSooner or later any outdoor enthusiast will need more than trail markers for guidance. This best-selling manual - now thoroughly revised and updated - is designed for anyone who wants to chart a course in the wilderness. Starting with the basics of interpreting maps and orienting by compass, the proceeds clearly through the more advanced mysteries of land navigation: measuring distances and estimating travel times; determining and adjusting for local declination around the globe; using an altimeter to add the dimension of height to one's position; and navigation by means of sun and stars. The author also surveys popular handheld GPS units and instructs in their use, and provides an overview of marine navigation for the growing sport of sea kayaking.
Call Number: GV200.4 .K34 2005 Online
ISBN: 9781578051878
Publication Date: 2010-07-01
Online Resources for understanding topographic maps
One of REI's expert advice pages on the basics of wilderness navigation, including videos. Full day training courses are often available through their Ann Arbor store as well.