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Michigan State University

School Gardening in the early 1900s through today: Older works-Articles

Primary source materials and information about gardening within K-12 schools in the early 20th century through today. Now a part of the AgNIC network!

Articles pre 1924

Putnam, Helen C. 1902. Native plants for the school garden. Education 22.9:561-564.

1,500,000 Enlist in School Farm Army; Government Tells of Big Results from the Work of Country's Boys and Girls.60,000 Arcres are tilled. Accounts for Last Year Show a Profit of More Than $5 for Every Dollar Expended. Hope for 5,000,000 Army. Show Large Profits. Oct 20, 1918. New York Times. p. 85 (1 page).

Alaskan Gardens. June 1918. The Playground 12.3:103.

Childs, Breta W. 1923. The Need for Gardening as an Intermediate Grade Subject in City Schools. Nature-Study Review 19: 79–82.

Garden Army officers and their value. June 1920. The Playground, 14.3:181-183.

Hinsdell, Arthur Bemis. April 1911. School gardens of Saginaw. American City 4:185-7.

Kolbe, Parke R. May 25, 1918. War Work of the Unites States Bureau of Education. School and Society 7.178:606-609.

Ling, Ping. June 1918. School Children and Food Production. The Pedagogical Seminary 25.2:163-190.

School Garden Exhibits; Seventy-Eight Have Gardens, an Increase of Seven Over Last Year. June 18, 1922. New York Times.

The Unites States Volunteer War-garden Army. March 23, 1918. School and Society 7.169:350-351.

Articles 1924-1969

MSU access is limited: Recreation. New York : National Recreation Association. Pub History: Vol. 24, no. 10 (Jan. 1931)-v. 58, no. 10 (Dec. 1965)

Kilpatrick, Van Evrie. Vegetables for victory. Recreation, 35 (March 1942): 743-744.
Kilpatrick, Van Evrie. Gardens for recreation. Recreation, 35 (January 1942): 620-621
Young, Paul R. School gardens yield invisible corps. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 693-695, 734
Loomis, C. Frances. Learning in a garden. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 696-698
Kersey, Vierling. Children garden and grow. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 699-700
Shaw, Ellen Edddy.  Children's garden work in a botanical garden. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 691-692
Sullivan, Frederick R. Development of school gardening in Boston. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 707-709
Davey, Mildred. Children's gardens as a community project. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 710, 738-739
Bennett, Billie L. Enjoying nature - What does it mean? Recreation, 31 (May 1938): 78, 108, 110
Melchoir, Juanita McDouglad. Garden club as an educational factor in North Carolina schools. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 711-714
Wellington, Marjorie. Garden Institute of Buffalo. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 715-717, 739
Gridley, Abbie E. Gardening - A happy occupation for children. Recreation, 31 (May 1938): 67-69
Warren, Gertrude L. Gardening with 4-H clubs. Recreation, 31 (March 1938): 701-702, 734
Jones, Paul H. The Fordson Horticultural Gardens. Recreation, 31 (March 1938):727-728, 741

Welcome to the Battle Creek Public School Garden. Horticultural News, 10:3 (March 1944): 22-23.