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Holocaust Sources: Documents in the MSU Libraries Related to the Study of the Holocaust: Databases

Databases and Indexes

Primary Source Material:

USC Shoah Visual History Archive. Search and view more than 50,000 video testimonies of Holocaust survivors, rescuers, and liberators. Need MSUnet ID & password to access from off-campus. First time users must register to create a personal login. Non-MSU affiliates can come into the library to use the database.

Transports to Extinction: Shoah (Holocaust) Deportations Database. From Yad Vashem. Search leads to a variety of primary sources about each transport. 

Reader's Guide Retrospective Indexes popular magazines from 1890-1982.  Remember that if you are searching for articles about the Holocaust, that term was not used until much later. Terms to use: Jews, Jewish, Prisoners and prisons, Atrocities and World War, Jews and War
For later dates, search terms: Holocaust, Genocide, War Crimes

New York Times: Proquest Historical Newspapers Contains full text images of the New York Times, and allows searching from 1857 to the present. Allows one to read single articles or browse entire issues by date.
Search Terms:
World War II-Prisoners and Interned Civilians (1943-45)
Jews, Jewish
World War II--Atrocities

Periodicals Archive Online Full text digitized journals going back to the 19th century.  Has a good selection of scholarly journals for the 1930s and 40s.

Lexis Nexis Academic For current news and reviews going back only to about 1980. Has U.S. and foreign news. Good for finding information on current political and societal views of the Holocaust. Can also use to find book and film reviews published in newspapers.

Secondary Sources:

Historical Abstracts
Indexes journal articles from about 2000 historical journals back to 1955, including Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
Terms: Use Keyword searches; Historical Abstracts does not use "holocaust" as a subject term (it uses genocide)

Index to articles in Jewish Studies published 1966-present. Produced by the National Library of Israel.

Indexes thousands of journals, books and dissertations going back to 1887 on psychology.
Terms: Holocaust is used regularly, so searching with that term is very effective

ATLA Religion
Produced by the American Theological Library Association, ATLA Religion Database indexes periodical articles and book material, coverage begins in 1949.

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