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BE 485 Biosystems Design Techniques

Resources for BE 485 Biosystems Design Techniques Students.


Indexes are the most useful tool for finding journal and conference articles on a given topic.  Articles can provide information on very specific topics that might not be available in book  and can provide you the most current information.


Online access to all American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Technical Library (ASABE) journals, standards, meeting and conference papers, textbooks, and monographs beginning with 2001. ASABE's journals are refereed publications: Applied Engineering in Agriculture (vol.13/1997); Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health (vol.1/1995) ; Transactions of the ASABE (vol.40/1997); Biological Engineering (vol.1/2008)

Covers every major agricultural subject, including agricultural engineering and marketing, animal breeding, entomology, environmental pollution, farm management, foods and feeds, pesticides, rural sociology, veterinary medicine, and water resources. Citations consist of journal articles, book chapters, monographs, conference proceedings, serials, technical reports, and other materials on a range of agricultural topics.

CAB covers the subject of agriculture in the broadest sense. It includes: agronomy, biotechnology, crop protection, dairy science, economics, environmental degradation and remediation, forestry, genetics, herbicides, irrigation, leisure, recreation and tourism, microbiology, nutrition, parasitology, rural development, veterinary medicine and much more. Journals, monographs, conferences, books, annual reports and other sources from more than one country are scanned regularly for inclusion in the database.

Turfgrass Information File (TGIF)

TGIF provides access to professional, technical, scientific, and popular materials, both print and electronic, relating to turfgrass science, culture, and the design and management of turfgrass-based facilities, such as golf courses, parks, sports fields, lawns, sod farms, roadsides, institutional grounds, and other managed landscapes, on a worldwide basis. Over 50% of TGIF records directly link to full-text content.


Compendex is one of the most comprehensive engineering literature databases available to engineers with 14 million records across 190 engineering disciplines. Available on Engineering Village, users get results that are consistently accurate. Relevant. Up-to-date. And easy to find. Compendex indexes 1,031 journals that contain articles-in-press. Compendex covers subjects in every engineering discipline including: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mining Engineering.

The SAE Digital Library is a searchable database providing online access to the full text of the Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Papers from 1990 to the present , and also includes the SAE Ground Vehicle Standards.

Biological Sciences

Biofuels & Bioenergy

Environmental Studies

Food Science & Nutrition

FSTA covers all areas of food science, food technology, and human nutrition, including basic food science, biotechnology, toxicology, packaging, and engineering. Some 1800 publications in over 40 languages are scanned regularly, including journals, reviews, standards, legislation, patents, books, theses, and conference proceedings.



Web of Science

Includes the Institute for Scientific Information Indexes - Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Science.  It indexes science, social sciences, and arts and humanities information from nearly 9,300 of the most prestigious, high impact journals in these fields.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides users with a single access point to a broad range of topics across      many disciplines and many types of information resources including journal and conference articles, books, reports, theses  and government publications.  While Google Scholar searches can identify information sources in many formats and covering a wide range of topics it is not the only or best tool for finding information all topics.