If the book is CHECKED OUT:
- Recall: Please use this form to request that we recall CHECKED OUT material and hold it for you. For more information about MSU recall policies, please call Circulation at 517/355-2333.
If the book is NOT owned by the MSU Libraries:
- Search UBorrow. Uborrow books generally arrive in about 2 days, with a 12 week checkout period. One 4 week renewal is permitted. Checkout periods vary for other types of materials.
- If it is not available through UBorrow, search MeLCat to see if the book is available from other Michigan libraries and request it be delivered to the Main Library for you. Melcat requests generally arrive in about a week, with a 3 week checkout period. One 3 week renewal is permitted.
If the book is NOT available through UBorrow or MeLCat:
- Request the book through ILLiad.