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Michigan State University

BMB 495--Researching your topic in biochemistry: Background Reading--Electronic texts and books

Books and Electronic Books

Books and specialized encyclopedias make excellent resources for background reading on your topic. These could be either in printed or electronic format.   Citing some of these types of sources rather than only Web sites lends more credibility to your paper. 

Search the MSU Libraries Online Catalog for books about your topic.  We have electronic and printed books on many of your topics.  


Useful for technical and scientific information on topics:

Encyclopedia of Life Sciences Articles from this specialized source give you information on many different biochemical topics whether your topic is about a mechanism, or structure/function or about a new technique.

Very Short Introductions:  Short e-books provide introductions to many topics in different subject areas.  Good for background information.  

Clinical Key:  Use this collection of electronic medical textbooks, articles, and other sources to look up background information on a health-related clinical topic. 

Subject Guide

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Jodi Coalter