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Newspaper Resources
- Proquest Historical Newspapers: This resource includes the full text of the following historical newspapers: CHICAGO TRIBUNE (1849-1988, DETROIT FREE PRESS (1831-1922), LOS ANGELES TIMES (1881-1988), LOUISVILLE COURIER JOURNAL (1830-1922), NASHVILLE TENNESSEAN (1812-1922), NEW YORK TIMES (1851-2008), WALL STREET JOURNAL (1889-1994), WASHINGTON POST (1877-1995), JERUSALEM POST (1932-1988), and the TIMES OF INDIA (1838-2003)?. It also includes historical black newspapers: ATLANTA DAILY WORLD (1931-2003),CHICAGO DEFENDER (1910-1975),LOS ANGELES SENTINAL (1934-2005) NEW AMSTERDAM NEWS (1922-1993), and the PITTSBURGH COURRIER (1911-2002). Finally, it contains these agregators: "Ethnic NewsWatch" (1959-present) and "ProQuest Civil War Era" (selected newspapers and pamphlets from 1850-1870).
- Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers
This database is composed of approximately 500 U.S. newspapers, published between 1800 and 1900. It includes titles from throughout the United States, including many published in what were, at the time, only territories. The publisher selected newspapers on their immediate value to researchers on the press and on the century in general. They also selected papers for their value for undergraduate and graduate students. The publisher made certain that the papers selected covered a broad spectrum, with a comprehensive geographical and chronological range. Full-text searching allows users to search across the entire database for the specific term/subject/person/event they are looking for. Moreover, searches can be restricted by categories (such as, Advertising, Business News, Images, Editorials, etc.), by states & cities, and by date of publication. Finally, the publisher has commissioned a number of scholarly essays on topics and events such as the Confederacy, fires & firefighting, immigration, and elections.
- New York Times (1851-2005)
Full-text, PDF. The variety of information spanning more than 150 years found in The New York Times provides resources applicable to the study of the Arts, Business, Communications and Media, Economics, Geography, Government, Health, History, Language Arts, Science, Technology, and more.
- Times of London
Full text of TIMES OF LONDON, from its beginning to 1985.
- Newspapers Research Guide: Links to contemporary and historical newspaper resources.