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Michigan State University

Broad Scholars Research Guide: Finding Books

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

Finding Books

To search for books in the MSU Libraries on a topic, you will need to use the Online Catalog. It is a searchable listing of materials owned and located in the MSU Libraries, including: books, journals, government documents, microforms, videos/DVDs/CDs, etc.

Use the Online Catalog:

  • To find whether we own a specific book, including its location and call number
  • To browse for books on a topic
  • To find whether we subscribe to a specific magazine, journal, or newspaper

Library Catalog

Advanced Catalog Search

Head, Gast Business Library

Profile Photo
Laura Leavitt Walesby
MSU Libraries
366 W. Circle Drive, Room E403
East Lansing, MI 48824
Subjects: Business, Law, Psychology