ARTICLES and EBOOKS: You can search for online books and all types of articles, including original scientific research (scholarly) articles as well as magazine and newspaper (popular) articles by using the main library search box at
BOOKS: You can search for print books by choosing the "Books and Media" link on the main library page,
More help on finding books:
Can't find what you need in the main library search? Here are some good places to continue searching for articles:
Learn the difference between three major types of articles. Get tips for using each type.
Direct link to "Popular, Scholarly, or Trade?" on MSU Mediaspace
Video credit: Emilia Marcyk
Use this guide to help search our catalog for a book from the MSU Libraries' collections.
Direct link to "Find Books" on MSU Mediaspace
Video credit: Leah Morin
Tips for using Full Text@MSU for connected to the full text of articles from within library databases.
Direct link to "Get Full-Text Articles" on MSU Mediaspace
Video credit: Emilia Marcyk