Top Pick:
Topics in sociology often overlap with complementary areas of inquiry. To that end, it may be useful to search within a multidisiplinary index, or other subject specific indexes. The list below is NOT COMPREHENSIVE and is intended as a starting point to direct you towards indexes that are often relevant to sociology topics. Be sure to browse in the e-resources for a complete listing of all MSU article databases.
If Find Text @ MSU does not automatically connect you to the full-text, do a journal/periodical title search in the library catalog to double-check our holdings.
If MSU does not subscribe to the journal in print or electronic, use Inter-Library Loan to request a copy of the article.
Distance students: If you see that MSU has the journal in print, use ILLiad to request a copy.
Look up the title of the journal where the article is published in the library catalog. Then, access the article via our print or electronic journal holdings.
For a complete step-by-step through the process go to the full tutorial on Locating a Known Journal Article from a Citation.
Ask a Librarian, or consult this brief tutorial on how to search with a purpose.
View this document on Advanced Searches for an explanation of various advanced search commands.