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Michigan State University

Russian and East European Resources at MSU: A Basic Guide for Research: Finding Russian literature

This guide gives a basic outline of some of the best resources to use at MSU when doing research on Russia, Eastern Europe, or the former Soviet Union.

Russian literature in the MSU Libraries

The MSU Libraries has thousands of works of Russian literature in both Russian and English.  Most works of Russian literature can be found in the PGs on the 4th floor of the East Wing, but it is a huge area to browse. 

Tips for finding Russian literature in the catalog:

1.  Searching the term "Russian literature" does not work!  Only rarely are fictional works classed this way.  Russia and fiction is a better search, but still messy.

2.  Authors works are grouped together, followed by criticism and interpretation.  So if you find the section of the stacks that has War and Peace, you will find all of Tolstoy's other works, in Russian and English, followed by scholarly works interpreting Tolstoy's work. 

3.  Just interested in literary criticism?  You can do a keyword search for "Pushkin and criticism and interpretation."  Works like a charm.





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