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Russian and East European Resources at MSU: A Basic Guide for Research: Finding Journal Articles

This guide gives a basic outline of some of the best resources to use at MSU when doing research on Russia, Eastern Europe, or the former Soviet Union.

Journal Article Databases

American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies

ABSEES covers North American scholarship on Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It contains bibliographical citations for journal articles, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations, and selected government publications. The web edition coverage begins from 1990 and is updated monthly. Hardcopy volumes from 1956 onwards are located in the Main Library Stacks

MLA International Bibliography 

Produced by the Modern Language Association, this database consists of bibliographic records pertaining to literature, language, linguistics, and folklore. Provides access to scholarly research in over 3000 journals and series. It also covers relevant monographs, working papers, bibliographies and other formats. Includes such important Slavic language journals as Voprosy Literatury and Roczniki Humanistyczne.

Historical Abstracts

Provides access to historical articles and citations to articles for the Modern period (1450 to the present). Indexes several important Slavic history journals, including Slavic Review, Russian Review, Voprosy Istorii, Otechestvennaia istoriia, and Kwartalnik Historyczny.


Searchable database of the full text of journals in many fields of study, but particularly strong for history. Years available vary with each title, but the most recent issues available in JSTOR will be 4-5 years old.

Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO)

Indexes and selectively publishes post-1990 scholarship and reports on international affairs. Provides full-text access to relevant Columbia University Press titles and many recent journals, papers from university research institutes and non-governmental organizations, foundation-funded research projects, and conference proceedings. CIAO also has links to international affairs centers, institutes, and other resources; U.S., international, and foreign govenment sites; environmental studies web pages; and news media services.


Subject Guide