When looking for a specific extension publication and you know the title, for example, Wheat, barley, and oat silages for beef cattle by James W Oltjen and Keith Bolsen. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, 1978, follow these steps:
When looking for a specific extension publication and you know the author, for example, James Oltjen, follow these steps:
When you know the corporate author and the series title and number, you can try locating the call number using a keyword search of the MSU online catalog.
When looking for an extension publication and you know the series title and the state where it was published, for example, Bulletin 613 from the Kansas Experiment Station, follow these steps:
Here's a short list of the classc print resources to USDA publications:
List of publications of the Agriculture department, 1862-1902, with analytical index / Prepared in the Office of the Superintendent of documents, Government printing office.
Series: Bibliography of United States public documents. Department list no. 1
Index to publications of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1901-1925 / Mary A. Bradly, assisted by Mabel G. Hunt.
MSU MAIN LIBRARY - Z5075.U5 U53 1925
Index to publications of the United States Department of agriculture, 1926-1930 / Compiled by Mary A. Bradley.
MSU MAIN LIBRARY - Z5075.U5 U53 1930
Index to publications of the United States Department of agriculture 1931-1935 / Compiled by Mary A. Bradley.
MSU MAIN LIBRARY - Z5075.U5 U53 1935
Index to publications of the United States Department of agriculture, 1936-1940 / edited by Mary A. Bradley, assistant editor of indexes, Division of publications, Office of information.
MSU MAIN LIBRARY - Z5075.U5 U53 1940
Dictionary catalog of the National Agricultural Library, 1862-1965
MSU Library Has volumes 1-73
MSU MAIN LIBRARY - Z881 .U6 1967
National Agricultural Library catalog
Bibliography of agriculture / U.S. Department of Agriculture, Library.