You can request scans of articles and book chapters in MSU-owned materials. If discovered in a database search, initiate a request by clicking through from the "Find Text @MSU" link until you reach the catalog record for the journal or for the book, then click on the "Get it!" button.
To initiate a request for scans of articles or book chapters in a source not owned by MSU Libraries, the "Find Text @MSU" link in databases will take you to a page with a link to "Request a Copy" through InterLibrary Services (ILLiad).
Current Indexes
History of Latin America and other world areas excluding the United States and Canada. Index coverage is from 1954 forward. Book reviews are indexed too.
Provides access to articles in journals published in Latin America, but also indexes the Latin America-related content of many major North American and European journals. Coverage of journals from 1970 to the present.
(About a third of citations are linked to full-text outside of HAPI. Click through the Article Linker for full-text access from other sources.)
Tip: HAPI assumes truncation. For example, “argentin” would return results including “argentina”, “argentine”, “argentinian”, etc.
More than 700 full-text titles are currently available, most with a backfile to the year 2002, with some back to the mid-nineties. The Prisma search interface is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
NOTE: Prisma and HAPI Online are fully integrated-- Prisma offers key titles that are indexed in HAPI Online and incorporates HAPI indexing directly into the database.
Best to use once you've fleshed out a topic. Searches a massive archive of more than 2,600 scholarly journals, dating back to the first issue published. Latest few years of journals are not included.
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