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IAH 208-009: Music, Society, and the State in Latin America and the Caribbean: Finding Books

Prof. Christopher Estrada, Spring 2021

Spring 2021 Book Borrowing Policy

*** STUDENTS CAN STILL BORROW PRINT LIBRARY BOOKS***  For any students with off-campus mailing addresses, we can MAIL BOOKS to you. On campus students please contact Circulation at 517-355-2333 or email for information on delivery and pick up options,

Subject Headings

The construction of Library of Congress Subject Headings are not intuitive, so the best way to begin your research is with keyword searches. Examples of Subject headings are:

Popular music -- Social aspects -- Brazil

Popular music -- Political aspects -- Brazil

Popular music -- Brazil -- 20th century -- History and criticism

Dictatorship -- Brazil -- History -- 20th century.

Brazil -- History -- 1964-1985.

Brazil -- Politics and government -- 1964-1985.

Military government -- Brazil -- History -- 20th century.

Start with Keyword searches!

 NOTE: To search for the writings of a known figure, search the name as an Author search.

(To find information about important figures, do use a Subject search.)

Begin with Keyword Searching

MSU Libraries' Catalog (Advanced Keyword Search option)

Try searching using combinations of keywords or terms, for example:

music, popular music, salsa, Blacks, identity, dictatorship, state violence; combined with Cuba, Caribbean [or other place name]

Search for names of artists as well.

Looking Beyond MSU Libraries


WorldCat is a catalog of books and other materials held in libraries worldwide. Seamless links to our interlibary loan system enable you to request items not held in MSU Libraries' collection: Use the "Request this item in ILLiad" link in each record.

Center for Research Libraries (CRL)

CRL is a consortium of North American research libraries that acquires resources available to member institutions through interlibrary loan and electronic delivery. Its collections contain over four million newspapers, journals, dissertations, archives, and government publications, with special strengths in foreign materials. In addition to its online catalog, utilize the searchable special collections databases (foreign newspapers, foreign doctoral dissertations, etc.) as needed.

Is the Book You Need Checked Out?

InterLibrary Services is accepting loan requests and attempting to fill them whenever possible. Initiate a borrowing request for a checked-out book by clicking on the Get it! button in the catalog record, and then on "Request via ILLiad." Please be aware that many libraries are still unable to access or loan their material so requests may be delayed or canceled.

Home Page Search

Home Page Search

The home page search allows users to search most of the library's article databases, the catalog, and the Libraries' web site all at the same time. Results are presented in a bento box style display. Tutorial

About Bibliographies

Bibliographies are lists of sources. They are found at the end of scholarly books and articles, or may be entire volumes themselves. Students create bibliographies to make readily identifiable the sources utilized in writing a paper or completing a research project.