RCAH 112 (Russell)

More Help with Books

Finding Books

MSU Libraries Catalog

To search for books in the MSU Libraries on a topic, you will need to use the catalog, which searches for materials owned and located in the MSU Libraries - including books - and also journal titles, government documents, microforms, videos/DVDs/CDs, etc.

What's in the catalog?

  • Everything in the library except for articles.
  • Names of journals, magazines, and newspapers with info about our subscriptions, plus links

What's not in the catalog?

  • Articles. Click on the "Articles" tab for more info.

What if my book is not there?

If the book is CHECKED OUT:

  • Recall: Please use this form to request that we recall CHECKED OUT material and hold it for you. For more information about MSU recall policies, please call Circulation at 517/355-2333.

If the book is NOT owned by the MSU Libraries:

  • Search MeLCat to see if the book is available from other Michigan libraries and request it be delivered to the Main Library for you.

If the book is NOT available in MeLCat:

  • Request the book through ILLiad.