Technology Transfer Entrepreneurship

This guide is for Technology Transfer professionals at Michigan State University, and highlights library resources available for use by that group.

Entrepreneurship Librarian

Profile Photo
Terence O'Neill
He / Him
Law College Building
648 N. Shaw Lane, Room 50
(517) 884-6685
Subjects: Business

Best Bets - Databases

These databases are available for use by MSU Technology Transfer offices under the following guidelines:

MSU’s Commercialization Office has access to these reports and has authority to use for research and commercial opportunities. Entire reports or articles may not be shared with anyone outside of MSU. Sharing less than 10% of the content in business presentations is authorized so long as cited appropriately.

Access is authenticated via MSU login or on-campus IP address.

Patent Search

Michigan eLibrary (free for Michigan)

The Michigan electronic Library (AKA MeL) is a set of resources made available through the Library of Michigan to all people in the state. Here is the page for business resources:

These resources include several that are useful for entrepreneurs:

  • A to Z databasesDetailed information on 30 million businesses and executives and 2 million new businesses. Includes data on over 200 million residents as well as new movers/homeowners. Special features include a background and criminal history search. Information provided on U. S. healthcare professionals. Includes a jobs database and email marketing.
  • Small Business Reference CenterCovers all aspects of starting and operating a business. Includes information on accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. State-specific information included.

MSU Resources for Technology Transfer