America: History & Life covers the history and culture of the United States and Canada. It has selective indexing for over 1,700 journals from 1955 to present. The database also provides full-text coverage of more than 200 journals and nearly 100 books.
A selective bibliography of articles in the various fields of Jewish studies and in the study of Eretz Israel. Material listed in Rambi is compiled from thousands of periodicals and from collections of articles - in Hebrew, Yiddish, and European languages- mainly from the holdings of the Jewish National and University Library, a world center for research on the Jewish people and Eretz Israel. The main criterion for inclusion in the bibliography is that the article be based on scientific research, or contain important information for such research.
Literature Resource Center with Complete Scribner Writers and Twayne's Authors Series provides direct access to biographies, bibliographies and critical analysis of authors from all ages and literary disciplines. Its resources cover more than 90,000 novelists, poets, essayists, journalists and other writers, with additional in-depth coverage of 2,500 of the most studied authors.
This rich full-text database offers a multidisciplinary view of the study of Jewish civilization, from its historical origins to the present. It is one of the only full-text databases that focuses exclusively on Jewish studies.
Searchable database of the full text of journals in anthropology, Asian Studies, business, ecology, economics, education, finance, history, literature, mathematics, philosophy, political science, population studies, and sociology. Years available vary with each title, but the most recent issues available in JSTOR will be 4-5 years old.
Gender Studies Database combines NISC's popular Women's Studies International and Men's Studies databases with the coverage of sexual diversity issues. GSD covers the full spectrum of gender-engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. The source documents indexed include professional journals, conference papers, books, book chapters, government reports, discussion and working papers, theses & dissertations and other sources. Several hundred links provide access to carefully selected and important websites. This database includes more than 696,750 records with coverage spanning from 1972 and earlier to present.
Political Science Complete™ (PSC) contains full text for over 530 journals, and indexing and abstracts for more than 2,900 journals (including top-ranked scholarly journals), many of which are unique to the product. PSC has a worldwide focus, reflecting the globalization of contemporary political discourse. The database also features over 340 full-text reference books and monographs, and over 38,000 full-text conference papers, including those of the International Political Science Association (Description as of January 2012).