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AFRE 490: International Trade & Sustainability: Readings and Resources

Spring 2024

Research Resources

MODULE 0: The roadmap - connections between trade and sustainability

3.1 Week 1: How is Sustainability Related to Trade?

MODULE I: The drivers of trade

3.2 Week 2: Introduction to International Trade

3.3 Week 3: Trade Principles - Advantage and Costs

3.4 Week 4: Trade Policy, Trade Barriers and Trade Agreements

3.5 Week 5: Agricultural Trade

MODULE II: The challenge of sustainability

3.6 Week 6: Sustainability

3.7 Week 7: International Trade and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

3.8 Week 8: Climate Change - Challenges

MODULE III: The positives and negatives of trade for sustainability

3.9 Weeks 9: Case Studies in Trade and Sustainability Week I

3.10 Week 10: Trade and the Environment

3.11 Week 11: Emissions from International Transport

3.12 Week 12: Fair Trade: Is it Just Coffee?

3.13 Weeks 13-14: Case Studies in Trade and Sustainability Weeks II to III

3.14 Week 15: Conclusion and Future Directions

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Suzanne Teghtmeyer
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