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BE 385 Engineering Design and Optimization for Biological Systems

Standards Collections Available at MSU

ASTM International is a voluntary standards development organization with members from over 120 nations. ASTM develops technical standards for materials, products, systems, tests and services. ASTM publishes over 12,000 standards in 15 sections. We have access to the current and some historical standards through the ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library (SEDL).  For more information about using this database click here SEDL .  This database also provides access to other ASTM publications including their Special Technical Publications (STPs) and the online versions of their journals. 

For further information about ASTM standards and help using them, contact the Engineering Librarian.

ASABE Technical Library
Online access to all American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Technical Library (ASABE) journals, standards, meeting and conference papers, textbooks, and monographs beginning with 2001. ASABE's journals are refereed publications: Applied Engineering in Agriculture (vol.13/1997); Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health (vol.1/1995) ; Transactions of the ASABE (vol.40/1997); Biological Engineering (vol.1/2008)
SAE Digital Library
The SAE Digital Library is a searchable database providing online access to the full text of the Society of Automotive Engineers Technical Papers from 1990 to the present , and also includes the SAE Ground Vehicle Standards.