Industrial Schools and School Gardens in Ceylon. Appendix 7 [pages 341-362]. Special reports on educational subjects, Volume 14, Part III Federated Malay States: Hong Kong: Straits Settlements: Fiji: Falkland Islands. Great Britain. Board of Education, 1905.
School gardening and nature study in English rural schools and in London / Susan Bender Sipe. USDA, Office of Experiment Stations, Bulletin 204, February 25, 1909. 54 pages
School Garden Concept Note: Improving Child Nutrition and Education through the Promotion of School Garden Programmes. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, September 2004.
[pdf link - 15 pages]
Setting up and running a school garden : a manual for teachers, parents and communities / [prepared by the Nutrition Programmes Service of the Food and Nutrition Division in consultation with the Crop and Grassland Service of the Plant Production and Protection Division in FAO]. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2005. 211 pages. [Full pdf link]
Setting Up and Runnig a School Garden: Teaching Toolkit. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009. 193 pages. [Full pdf link]
Desmond, Dan, James Grieshop and Aarti Subramaniam. Revisiting Garden Based Learning in Basic Education: Philosophical, Roots, historical foundations, best practices and products, impacts, outcomes and future directions. Report for International Institute for Educational Planning and Food and Agricultural Organization/UN, Paris, France, 2004. 90 pages
[Contains both an extensive literature cited and a bibliography of resources for teaching gardening in the classroom by grade levels.]