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Michigan State University

Latino Art: a Guide to Resources: Introduction & Finding Books

Researching Latino Art

This guide serves as a starting point for researching Latino art using MSU Library resources.

If you need assistance with your research, contact the Fine Arts Library at 517-884-6469.


"The Cosmic Cruise"
Ester Hernandez
Broad Art Museum
Michigan State University

Finding Books

To find books in the MSU Libraries (including the Fine Arts Library), use the MSU Libraries' catalog. You can search by KEYWORD for a topic, such as "chicano art", or you can use an LC SUBJECT search by typing in correct subject headings. Subject headings for ethnic groups have changed over time, so you may need to search "Mexican American", "Hispanic American", and "Chicano".

The following are sample searches:

keyword search = Latino artists
subject search = Mexican American art
author search = Ybarra Frausto, Tomas
title search = Chicano art resistance and affirmation

Reference Sources

The following list of books will provide background information, lists of additional sources, biographical facts, and other useful information on Latino artists and art.  All items listed are located in the art reference section of the Fine Arts Library.

Need help? Contact me!

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Terrie Wilson
Humanities Coordinator and Head, Art Library
Michigan State University