Grand Traverse hazelnut
Reference: Farris, C. W. Two new introductions. The Grand Traverse hazelnut and Spartan Seedless grape. 80th Annual report - Northern Nut Growers' Association. p.102-103. 1989.
Spartan Seedless grape
Reference: Farris, C. W. Two new introductions. The Grand Traverse hazelnut and Spartan Seedless grape. 80th Annual report - Northern Nut Growers' Association. p.102-103. 1989.
Mini-Spartan tomato.
Honma, S. ; Price, H. C. ; Murakishi, H. H. ; Bedford, C. L.
MSU Research Report 399. 1980
A Spartan comeback of the seed kind. Dau, J. Futures. 33.1/2. p 20-32. 2015.
This paper focuses on the resurrection of the old barley cultivar Spartan, a cross between the Michigan black barbless and Michigan two-row cultivars, for use in the craft beer industry in Michigan, USA.
Golden Ruler - a flat wax snap bean.
Honma, S. ; Cash, J. N.
MSU Research Report 382. 1979
Spartan Delux - a new carrot hybrid for freshmarket with blight [Cercospora carotae] resistance.
Baker, L. R.; Lacy, M.
Research Report. 1978.
Spartan Bonus - a high quality processing hybrid carrot for muckland production.
Baker, L. R.
Research Report 359. 1978
Spartan Classic, Spartan Premium and Spartan Winner - three new hybrids with "rusty root" resistance for processing and freshmarket production on mucklands.
By: Baker, L. R. ; Valk, M.
Research Report 359. 1978
Spartan Delite and Spartan Fancy - two high quality hybrid carrots for Michigan freshmarket production.
By: Baker, L. R.
Research Report 359. 1978
Spartan North - a single-cross hybrid carrot for freshmarket production on northern mucklands.
By: Baker, L. R.
Research Report 359. 1978
Spartan Lakes, a new head lettuce for Michigan mucklands.
Markarian, D.
Quarterly Bulletin. Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station
v. 50, p. 288-92. 1968
Spartan Banner Onion (MSU 2399 x MSU 611)
New hybrid onion. Peterson, C. E. Hort. Rep. Mich. St. Univ. 30. 1966.
Spartan Pink 10, Red 8, new Michigan tomatoes.
Crops and Soils, 16.1: 14. 1963
Cucumber Spartan dawn [Cf. xxxiii, 3760]
is an F 1 hybrid of MSU 713.5 x Spartan 27 and is 10-14 days earlier than Wisconsin 5MR15.
Spartan Red 8, a new tomato for greenhouse production.
Quarterly Bulletin. Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station, 43: 478-81. 1961.
Spartan Early-a new variety of broccoli.
HONMA, S. Quarterly Bulletin. Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station, 42: 470-73. 1960.
Published: 1960
Spartan 162-a slow bolting green Pascal celery.
HONMA, S. ; PETERSON, C. E. ; WITTWER, S. H. Quarterly Bulletin. Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station, 41: 378-80. 1958
The Michigan-Ohio hybrid: a new F 1 tomato for greenhouse production.
Quarterly Bulletin. Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment Station, 36: 191-194. 1953.
Tomato: Michigan State Forcing