Data is occasionally sketchy for the Mints. Some years Peppermint and Spearmint is lumped together, sometimes separated.
American essence: A history of the peppermint and spearmint industry in the United States / James E. Landing. Published as a contribution of the Kalamazoo Public Museum. Kalamazoo, Mich. 1969
HD9210.U4 L35
Murray, M.J., W. Faas and P. Marble. 1972. Effects of plant maturity on oil composition of several spearment species grown in Indiana and Michigan. Crop Science, 12: 723-728.
SB183 .C7
Verticillium wilt of peppermint. Technical Bulletin 221 / Ray Nelson. East Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1950.
S75 .E29 no.226-255
Michigan Muck Farmers' Association. Report of the proceedings of the annual convention.
no.7 (1925)-no.12 (1930),no.17 (1935)-no.18 (1936), no.21 (1939)-no.29 (1947) Some vols. incomplete
Note: This series of proceedings has many, many articles on aspects of mint priduction, too many to itemize here. Please check them out when researching mint cultivation in Michigan.
S75 .B7
Lacy, Melvern L. 1981. Mint production in the midwestern United States. North central regional extension publication number 155, Cooperative Extension service, MSU, East Lansing, MI. p 1-18.
S544 .N65 no.105-182 Inc.
Todd, A.M. 1903. American peppermint industry. Report of the fifth International Congress of Applied Chemistry. Vol. 2, Sect. IV-A. pp. 804-812.
[No holdings at MSU - Full sources citation for ILL purposes: International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry (5th : 1903 : Berlin, Germany)
Bericht erstattet vom Präsidenten des Kongresses Dr. Otto N. Witt und dem wissenschaftlichen Sekretär des Kongresses Dr. Georg Pulvermacher. Berlin, Deutscher Verlag, 1904. This report is in Volume 2.]
Todd, Albert M. 1886. The essential oil industry in Michigan [Actual title: The oil of peppermint (Oleum Mentha Piperita]. Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association at the ... annual meeting, 34. p.121-127
[Provides a concise history of the industry and steam distillation process develop in St. Joseph county, Michigan.]
Todd, A. M. Mr. Todds' Letter, January 2, 1903, to Hon. Scott Griswold. IN: Annual report [20th, 1903] / Michigan. Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. 439-447
Subject: American pepermint industry - i.e. The Michigan peppermint industry. Inclued a photograph and some counties' production statistics.
MSU Library HC107.M5 A29 1903 (20th)
Quarterly Bulletin (Michigan State College. Agricultural Experiment Station) - S75 .E23: v.1 (1918)-v.7 (1925) [including v. 10 (1927), v.7 (1925)-v.37 (1955), v.38 (1955)-v.46 (1963), v.46 (1964)-v.50 (1968), Index to Vols. 1-18 (link leads to the pdf of the Index )
Use of DDT in the control of the mint flea beetle. Ray Hutson, Elva L. Jones, and Erwin J. Benne. 29(4): 283-285. 1947.
Michigan - An Important Source of Raw Vegetable Products / Henry Kraemer. Twenty-first Michigan Academy of Science Report, 1919. pp. 167-199. (Pages 171, 172, 175-178 cocentrate on peppermint oil.)
Q11. M52 v. 21 1919