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Arab American Studies Research Guide: Web Sites


A compilation of selected web sites about Arab Americans in the United States.

From the News

Joe Linstroth and Cynthia Canty, "Starting over in Michigan: A Syrian family’s first impressions of their new home".   Michigan Radio, June 22, 2016. : Among the hundreds of Syrians who fled their homeland for Michigan is a young family of five.  They came here just this past April, trading the violence and death in Homs for a sparsely furnished, rented corner duplex in a modest neighborhood in Dearborn.  We'll be bringing you the story of this young family on Stateside over the coming months as they settle into their new life in Michigan.


Arab American Heritage Month

Selected Web Sites

100 Questions and Answers About Arab Americans.  A journalist's guide developed by Joe Grimm, MSU School of Journalism, sponsored by Knight Ridder and  the Detroit Free Press.

American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee.  A civil rights organization committed to defending the rights of people of Arab descent and promoting their rich cultural heritage.

Arab America.

Arab America Michigan.

Arab American Bibliographies from the Arab American National Museum. Individual titles include : Arab American and Middle Eastern Christians; Arab American Immigration and General History; Arab Americans and the Post-9/11 Environment; Arab and Muslim Women in the U.S. and Arab American Family Life; Muslims in the United States; Regional Studies of Arab Americans; and Representations and Perceptions.

The Arab American Community in Detroit, Michigan  Photo Essay by Steve Gold

Arab American Institute : "The Arab American Institute (AAI) represents the policy and community interests of Arab Americans throughout the United States and strives to promote Arab American participation in the U.S. electoral system."

Arab-American Literature: Origins and Developments.  Although Arab-American literature has been in existence in the U.S. for over a century, it has only recently begun to be recognized as part of the ethnic landscape of literary America. However, the last two decades have seen a dramatic increase in publication by Arab-American writers. This literary burgeoning reflects in part the shifting historical, social, and political contexts that have pushed Arab-Americans to the foreground, creating both new spaces for their voices and new urgencies of expression, as well as the flourishing creativity of these writers.  Article by Lisa Suhair Majaj appearing in American Studies Journal, Number 52 (Winter 2008).  .

Arab American National Museum : The Arab American National Museum is the first museum in the world devoted to Arab American history and culture (and it's located in Michigan). Arab Americans have enriched the economic, political and cultural landscape of American life. By bringing the voices and faces of Arab Americans to mainstream audiences, we continue our commitment to dispel misconceptions about Arab Americans and other minorities. The Museum brings to light the shared experiences of immigrants and ethnic groups, paying tribute to the diversity of our nation.  Provides access to the museum library catalog.  An affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution.

Arab American News via the Internet.

Arab American News via Access World News (Readex) . Access restricted to the MSU community and subscribers.

Arab American News via Ethnic Newswatch.  Access restricted to the MSU community and subscribers.

Arab Americans, Chaldeans, and Muslims in Michigan: Collections at the Bentley Historical Library

Arab and Muslim Americans – An Introduction for Educators By Karim Hamdy, Oregon State University

Arabs in America.  This website is designed to be a resource for anyone wishing to learn more about Arabs in America, the history of their immigration, their religious affiliations, their artistic production in literature, the visual arts, music and film, their political contributions and their active participation in American public life.     This project is directed by Dr. Sahar Amer, Professor of Asian Studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and is sponsored by the UNC Center for Global Initiatives.

Being Muslim in America.  Courtesy of U.S. Department of State.

A Celebration of Women Writers : Arab Writers.  The Celebration of Women Writers recognizes the contributions of women writers throughout history. Women have written almost every imaginable type of work: novels, poems, letters, biographies, travel books, religious commentaries, histories, economic and scientific works. Our goal is to promote awareness of the breadth and variety of women's writing. All too often, works by women, and resources about women writers, are hard to find. We attempt to provide easy access to available on-line information. The Celebration provides a comprehensive listing of links to biographical and bibliographical information about women writers, and complete published books written by women. A compilation of web sites compiled by the University of Pennsylvania Libraries.

List of Arab American Writers from Wikipedia.  Also see American Writers of Arab Descent .

Middle East American Resources Online : MEARO was established in response to the growing interest and need to incorporate Middle Eastern Americans into the study of American society and culture, past and present. The project is grounded on the rich and significant body of scholarship and literature produced over a course of more than a century.

Muslims in America : Time Photo Essay.  Photographer Ziyah Gafic provides an intimate portrait of America's Islamic community

Muslim Immigrants in the United States By Khalid Durán, Daniel Pipes.  Center for Immigration Studies.  August 2002

Reclaiming Identity : Dismantling Arab Stereotypes : Why does the word “Arab” evoke images of terrorists & veiled, oppressed women? This online exhibit dismantles stereotypes by tracing their origins and impacts, while offering a more realistic portrait of Arab and Arab American identities.

Stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims in the United States wikipedia entry

VG/Voices from the Gaps.  A website based in the English Department at the University of Minnesota and dedicated to bringing together marginalized resources and knowledges about women artists of color to serve secondary and college education across the world.  This link highlights Arab-American women.  For additional categories such as Palestinian Americans, click here.

Voice of the Shuttle : Arab American LinksVoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team in the University of California, Santa Barbara, English Department.

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