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Environmental Statistics: By Topic

Environmental Statistics by Topic

Air Pollution

AirData (Environmental Protection Agency)
The AirData Web site gives you access to air pollution data for the entire United States. AirData produces reports and maps of air pollution data based on criteria that you specify.

EarthTrends - Climate & Atmosphere (World Resources Institute)
Air pollutions and emissions data by world regions and countries.
Note: The Earthtrends database is no longer updated after December 2010. 

Envirofacts - Air (Environmental Protection Agency)
Find local facilities that emit air pollution and the UV index.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data (UNData)
The GHG data contain information on anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of the six principal GHGs (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)) that are not controlled by the Montreal Protocol.


Agriculture: Data & Statistics (MSU Library Research Guide)

Agricultural Statistics (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Agricultural Statistics is published annually by the USDA and covers agricultural production, supplies, consumption, facilities, costs, and returns.

Census of Agriculture (National Agricultural Statistics Service)
Taken every five years, the Census of Agriculture is a complete count of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them.

EarthTrends - Agriculture & Food (World Resources Institute)
Features regional and country profiles.
Note: The Earthtrends database is no longer updated after December 2010. 

Food and Agriculture Organization Data (UNData)
Data on crops, fertilizers, forest, land, livestock, and production indices.

Climate Change/Global Warming

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)
CDIAC's data holdings include records of the concentrations of carbon dioxide and other radiatively active gases in the atmosphere; the role of the terrestrial biosphere and the oceans in the biogeochemical cycles of greenhouse gases; emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere; long-term climate trends; the effects of elevated carbon dioxide on vegetation; and the vulnerability of coastal areas to rising sea level.

EarthTrends - Climate & Atmosphere (World Resources Institute)
Air pollutions and emissions data by world regions and countries.
Note: The Earthtrends database is no longer updated after December 2010. 

Global Change Master Directory (NASA)
Searchable source of data sets and services covering a broad range of topics, including agriculture, atmosphere, biosphere, climate indicators, cryosphere, land surface, oceans, paleoclimate, and more.

Global Climate Change Key Indicators (NASA)
Includes sea level, arctic sea ice, carbon dioxide concentration, global average temperature, and ozone hole data.

Greenhouse Gas Inventory Data (UNData)
The GHG data contain information on anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of the six principal GHGs (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)) that are not controlled by the Montreal Protocol.


National Climatic Data Center - Image and Publications System
Log in through MSU's proxy server to access to current and historical local, national and world climatological and weather publications and data.

Monthly Climatic Data for the World (NCDC)
Monthly issues contains monthly mean temperature, pressure, precipitation, vapor pressure, and sunshine for approximately 2,000 surface data collection stations worldwide and monthly mean upper air temperatures, dew point depressions, and wind Velocities for approximately 500 observing sites. (1948-Present)

World Bank Climate Change Data
The World Bank Group assembles and shares data to help set baselines for climate change, identify effective public and private actions in adaptation and mitigation, monitor progress on goals and targets, and evaluate impacts. Access to high quality, timely data is central to facing the challenges of climate change.


Annual Energy Review (Energy Information Administration)
The Annual Energy Review (AER) reports historical annual energy statistics.

EarthTrends - Energy & Resources (World Resources Institute)
Regional and country profiles on multiple indicators.
Note: The Earthtrends database is no longer updated after December 2010. 

Energy Statistics Database (UNData)
See also the Energy Statistics Yearbook and Energy Balances and Electricity Profiles.

Energy Statistics Portal (OECD)
Indicators from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.  Be sure to use SourceOECD for premium content.

Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration, and Cultural Exchange - Energy Data Visualizations
In this subscription database from Adam Matthew, go to the Data & Maps section. The Energy Data Visualizations includes information from the BP Statistical Review of World Energy and Historical Datasets from 1965-present.

Monthly Energy Review (Energy Information Administration)
The Monthly Energy Review (MER) covers recent energy statistics.


Fire Statistics (U.S. Fire Administration)
This page contains statistics on fires that occur in the United States and analytical and topical reports that describe the national fire problem. Also included are statistics related to firefighters and fire departments.

Fire Statistics (National Fire Protection Association)
Topics include the U.S. fire problem, the U.S. fire service, deadliest fires, key dates in fire history, and quick fact sheets.

Fire Program Statistics (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
Wildland fire statistics by state, region, or refuge from 1995-present.

MDNR Wildland Fire Application (Michigan Department of Natural Resources)
For the State of Michigan, provides information about wildland fire incidents to the public and to support the day-to-day operations of wildland fire managers.


EnviroFacts - Land (Environmental Protection Agency)
Local area brownfields and hazardous waste sites.

National Geophysical Data Center
NGDC provides stewardship, products and services for geophysical data describing the solid earth, marine, and solar-terrestrial environment, as well as earth observations from space.

State of the Land (Natural Resources Conservation Service)
This site provides data and analysis on land use, soil erosion, water quality, wetlands, and other issues regarding the conservation and use of natural resources.

State Minerals Statistics and Information (U.S. Geological Survey)

Parks & Recreation

Hunting Statistics and Economics (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
Reports from the National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.

NPS Stats: National Parks Service Public Use Statistics (National Parks Service)
View vistitation reports by park as well as acreage reports.


EarthTrends - Water Resources and Freshwater EcoSystems (World Resources Institute)
Provides regional and country data.
Note: The Earthtrends database is no longer updated after December 2010. 

EnviroFacts - Water (Environmental Protection Agency)
Local area water pollution information.

Great Lakes Coast Watch - Great Lakes Statistics (NOAA)
Physical characteristics, surface water temperature and ice concentration.

National Oceanographic Data Center (NOAA)
The NODC archives and distributes global oceanographic data and information.

Water Resources of the United States (U.S. Geological Survey)
Current and historical water resources data and maps.


Michigan Weather Resources
Part of the research guide: Atmospheric Sciences Guide - Climatology, Meteorology

National Climatic Data Center (NOAA)
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data.

National Climatic Data Center - Image and Publications System
Log in through MSU's proxy server to access to current and historical local, national and world climatological and weather publications and data.

Natural Hazards Statistics (NOAA)
Statistical information on fatalities, injuries and damages caused by weather related hazards.
Also available in the periodical Storm Data (electronic and print).

World Disasters Report (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)
Review of natural and man-made disasters (electronic and print).


EarthTrends - Biodiversity and Protected Areas (World Resources Institute)
Features regional and country data.
Note: The Earthtrends database is no longer updated after December 2010. 

Endangered Species Program (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)
Counts of endangered species.

Fisheries Statistics Division (NOAA)
The Fisheries Statistics Division collects data and coordinates information and research programs to support the science-based stewardship of the nation's living marine resources.

Michigan Wildlife Survey Reports (Michigan DNR)