Michigan State University

Collection Development Policy Statement: Computer Science

Analysis of the Subject Field

Chronology of the subject: emphases/restrictions

The collection emphasizes scholarly computer science materials. The purchase of computer certification test guides/manuals is restricted.

Languages of resources collected: exclusions/emphases/translations

     Materials are collected primarily in English.

Geography of the subject: emphases/restrictions

     The collection emphasizes North American and Western Europe materials.

Format of the resources collected: restrictions if any.

     The primary format is now electronic although we still receive some resources in print.  

Research data - particularly data which is not already openly available or that cannot/will not be placed in existing research data repositories is not normally collected but may be collected if it otherwise meets collection development guidelines for research data. 

Date of publication of resources collected: emphases if any.

The bulk of the collection dates from the mid-1960's to the present. The emphasis is on recent materials. Maintaining an historical collection is not a priority. Older materials are deselected according to Library policies and procedure.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The library's goal is to successfully fulfill our service to MSU's Land Grant mission and strategic framework. As a welcoming academic community, we believe it is our responsibility to study and learn from the diverse backgrounds from which our students, faculty, and professional staff come. In general, the subject of Computer Science has not been recognized as diverse. Therefore, it is important to actively acquire and promote resources that advance the research, teaching, and work of individuals from diverse, underrepresented, and under-served backgrounds. These areas may include, but are not limited to race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, sexual orientation and ability status.