Michigan State University

Collection Development Policy Statement: Religious Studies. Last updated 05-17-2023

Analysis of the Subject Field

  • A. Chronology of the Subject: Emphases/Restrictions


  • B. Languages of Resources collected: Exclusions/Emphases/Translations

    English is preferred. Some authors who serve as primary sources may be collected in their original languages. Some users of the Islamic materials prefer French language materials.  Area studies bibliographers are collecting in their languages, but should be careful not to overdo it and use up all the shelf space in BL-BX!

  • C. Geography of the Subject: Emphases/Restrictions

    The geographic preference parallels that of the M.S.U. community’s geographic profile, which contains more diverse persons religiously than in the past. The economic world of today is global and our study abroad programs go around the world. Consequently, we have a greater need to collect on non-Western religious traditions than we used to. The collection serves historical research for British/Irish history and studies, North America, French studies, medieval/Renaissance/early modern European studies, African American studies, African studies, Latin American/Caribbean studies, Asian studies, Southeast Asian studies, Jewish studies, Muslim studies.

  • D. Format of the Resources Collected: Restrictions

            No restrictions.  Both electronic and paper resources are collected.  The focus for expensive, primary, electronic resources is on history of Religion in America. 

  • E. Date of Publication of Resources Collected:

           No limits, although we primarily collect recently published works.

  • F.  Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We must be attentive to DEI, diversity, equity, and inclusion, in our collecting going forward, looking for publications from both mainstream and smaller religious publishers about these issues as they play out in beliefs, religious practices, and religious communities,  both primary and secondary sources, and about both their present and their past histories. Consider online/electronic, open access, as well as traditional paper formats.  Finding this material, which might be outside what approval plans offer, takes more time for the selector to do.