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Locating Standards at the MSU Libraries

COVID-19 Related Standards

The idea and the content for  this page is based for the most part on the page created by Margaret Phillips of Purdue University 

Partly in response to requests from the community of STEM librarians and practitioners working to address the lack of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) available to the health care community and other essential workers, a variety of organizations have made relevant professional standards freely available to the community of researchers and practitioners to ensure equipment produced is effective and compliant. 

Organizations Making Standards Available

 Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)  Includes standards for masks, gowns, gloves, ventilators, and sterilization procedures.

ASTM Standards & Engineering Digital Library  Includes standards related to masks, gowns, gloves, hand sanitizers, and respirators.

European Union (EU) Standards In collaboration with all their members, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) have agreed to immediately make available a number of European standards for certain medical devices and personal protective equipment.

IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL) Includes standards related to medical device communication, medical modeling and more.  The MSU Libraries subscribes to the IEL (IEEE Xplore database)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)  Includes (as of 4/2/2020) 31 standards documents from ISO covering medical equipment and devices—ventilators and respiratory equipment; protective clothing used in health care settings; and business continuity management, security, and resilience. Available on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Connect platform.