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Women in Medieval Society: Annual Bibliographies and Indexes to Articles

This is a guide to researching women in the Middle Ages in England and Western Europe

Annual Bibliographies and Indexes to Articles

Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index, Covers articles from 1994 on from some 400 journals, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality and gender during the Middle Ages (450-1500) in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Publications may be in English, French, German, Spanish or Italian (only since 2001). Excludes books by single authors (check our online catalog).

Irish History Online.  A guide to what has been written about Irish history from earliest times to the present. It currently contains approximately 72,000 bibliographic records (January 2011). Material on Northern Ireland is included. Includes bibliographic information on books and pamphlets, articles from journals published in Ireland or internationally, and chapters from books of essays, including Festschriften and conference proceedings.

Bibliographie Annuelle de l'Histoire de France du Cinquième Siècle à 1958, Main Z 2176 .B5. In French. The major annual bibliography of French history. Indexes both books and articles, French ones, but no annotations. See the chapter for Histoire Sociale. Within this chapter there is a section on la famille, la femme, et l'enfant containing a sub-section on le Moyen Âge. Probably also other useful sections for those with good French language skills.