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Peace and Justice Studies: Animal Rights/Welfare

Related to MSU's Program on Peace and Justice Studies


This brief guide is meant to help seekers find information related to animal rights, animal welfare and animal law. As humans and animals are part of nature we also include nature rights in this category. I have utilized the good work of other librarians from Boston University, UCLA, Wisconsin, Georgetown, and Kentucky in constructing this guide. Many kudos to those colleagues.

Additional MSU Animal Research Gudies

Other Universities Research Guides

Georgetown Law School - Animal Law Research Guide

UCLA School of Law - Animal Law Research Guide

University of Kentucy Libraries - Animal Welfare Research Guide

Useful subject headings and keywords

The following subject headings can also be used as keyword searches. If you are getting too many items, narrow your focus, (i..e. use "dogs" instead of "domestic animals").

animal experimentation

animal experimentation moral and ethical aspects

animal industry

animal models in research

animal rights

animal welfare

animal welfare law and legislation

animal welfare moral and ethical aspect

animal welfare philosophy

animals, treatment of

domestic animals

endangered species

human animal relationships

human experimentation in medicine

laboratory animals



wildlife conservation

Reference Works

These are good places to get started with background on the issue as well as identifying additional sources and experts.

Animal Rights: A Reference Handbook. 2009. Law Library HV4764 .S5 2009

Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion. 2000. Main Library HV4708 .K57 2000

Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. 2 volumes. 2010 electronic

Finding Journal Articles

For a great guide to tne Animal Science literature see the guide created by my colleague Andrea Kespel here.

For articles from other fields and perspectives - philosophy, psychology, sociology, environmental studies try some of the listings below. If you are not finding what you need, please consult with a reference librarian as there are many more sources and avenues to find relevant material.

ProQuest Research Library - searches thousands of journals, trade publications, and popular magazines. You can limit search to "peer reviewed" articles only

Philosophers' Index - the most thorough source for philosophy and ethics journals.

Subject Guide

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Julia Ezzo

Useful websites