Nearby repositories with complimentary collections on Lansing history:
The Capital Area District Library Local History Collection houses the premier collection of primary resources concerning Lansing History. Finding aids and items of ephemera are not necessarily listed in the CADL catalog, so the web page for Local History must be consulted. For in-depth research the Local History librarian must be contacted.
MSU Archives hold relevant materials to Lansing history and include archival collections for the REO Motor Car Company as well as the personal and business-related papers of R. E. Olds. Finding aids for the MSU Archives are in the MSUL catalog.
Archives of Michigan and Library of Michigan both have their collections listed in the MSUL catalog.
The R. E. Olds Transportation Museum has a small "archive" that may be avaialbe for "serious" researchers. But there are no professional archivists on staff for assistance. To peruse advertisements, photographs, and memorabilia of the REOTM once should call in advance. REOTM has for purchase a number of pamplets made by local historians who were using the archival files at REOTM. Until 2004 there was an Oldsmobile History Center, though it is now gone and its collection transferred to the GM Heritage Center. The GMHC (in Sterling Heights) operates an archive and researchers may contact through their web address.