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Michigan State University

Dissertations and Theses about Michigan State University: Agriculture

Theses and dissertations authored by MSU scholars that focus on MSU as one of the subjects of research.

Farm Animals (Subject term)

Berry, J.A. (1917). Studies on bacillary white diarrhea of the domestic fowl.

Bodourian, A.G. (1900). Feeding finished steers.

Bovay, A.G. (1924). Shrinkage of live stock in transit.

Brainerd, W.K. (1915). Economical feeding of dairy cows.

Bryan, C.S. (1938). A Study of Experimental Streptococcic Mastitis in Dairy Cattle. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Dice, J.R. (1915). The use of ready mixed feeds for dairy cattle.

Divelbiss, R.I. (1981). The Gatekeeper Function of Agricultural News Editors and Reporters at Midwestern Land Grant Universities. M.A. Michigan State University.

Ellis, H.J. (1925). The study of an organism isolated in pure culture from diseased poultry.

Emmel, M.W. (1930). A study of the bacterial flora of the feces & intestinal contents of the fowl.

Friedemann, O.H. (1922). A study of a bacterium abortus infected udder.

Geib, W.J. (1902). Comparison of western and Michigan lambs.

Girrbach, G. (1924). The relationship between the body temperature of dairy cows, at the time of milking & the percentage of butter-fat.

Hudson, D.J. (2008). Evaluation of switchgrass and big bluestem for use in cool-season grazing systems to improve seasonal forage yield and livestock gains. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Justo, M. (1917). A comparative study between the normal bacterial flora of the udder & that of the genital organs of the cow.

Kennedy, S.J. (1901). Comparative feeding experiment between Delaine & grade lambs.

Oviatt, C.J. (1913). A study of the effects of preservatives in foods on the growth of young animals.

Palmer, R.R. (1924). The alkaline reserve of dairy cattle under ordinary farm conditions.

Parks, W.T. (1900). Comparative cost of wintering Shropshire & Merino grade ewes.

Reed, C.P. (1910). One year with a herd of Holstein cows.


Farming Practice (Subject term)

Dawson, E.D. (1974). The rise and development of farmers’ institutes in Michigan in relationship to Michigan Agricultural College from 1876 to 1889.

Duncan, D.W. (1997). The use of effectiveness of satellite communications in the dissemination of agricultural information. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Mills, H.L. (1898). The analysis & uses of muck.

Seeley, D.A. (1917). The climate of Michigan & its relation to agriculture.

Slayton, O.W. (1898). The co-operative creamery status in Michigan.

Smith, C.B. (1895). The arsenic insecticides.

Sustainability (Subject term)

Campbell-Arvai, V. (2011). Incorporating environmental concerns into decisions about food contributions from researchon decision-making.
Crawford, M.M. (1996). University waste characterization using manual sorting methods a Michigan State Universitycase example.
Dabholkar, G. (2007). Descriptive study of Michigan State University waste management and recycling practices and recommendations forimprovement.
Dansbury, K.P. (1978). A case study analysis of energy utilization and conservation potential in the MSU Dairy Plant.
Gardner, L.D. (2012). Down on the farm: A qualitiative study of sustainable agriculture and food systems education at liberal arts colleges and universities. M.S. Michigan State University.
Harder, J.A. (2011). Sustainable digital content model development for a small organization using network analysis.
Kolakowski, K. (2002). Environmental knowledge and the university a comparison of the level of environmental knowledge among students at Michigan State University.
Meeh, D.C. (2011). Multi-species pasture rotation systems: An examination of the acreage and farm requirements to feed Michigan. M.S. Michigan State University.
Olson, L.K. (2008). Promoting sustainability: mental models research to inform the design of a campus recycling program.
Ritchie, E.A. (2004). Precursors of environmental concern among Michigan State University students.
Sackey, D.J. (2009). Making a rhetoric of sustainability tracing “local” dimensions in environmental writing.
Yeboah, F.K. (2009). Communicating with stakeholders and accounting for their worldviews in promoting sustainability at Michigan State University.

Farm Equipment (Subject term)

Backus, R.A. (1921). Tests of motors in grain elevators & feed mills.

Boonstra, R. (1921). Experimental investigation of the air and fuel heating devices used on the case 15-27 kerosene tractor.

Gallagher, H.J. (1923). Relation of farm mechanics to the farm.

Snyder, W.P. (1903). The production of quality in mutton.

West, F.E. (1899). By-products used as cattle foods.

Food Products (Subject term)

Adriance, G.W. (1931). Factors influencing fruit setting in the pecan

Armstrong, P.S. (1915). Studies in the control of cucumber diseases and the effect of spraying in bloom on the setting of fruit.

Austin, R.H. (1928). The Effect of Soil Type and Fertilizer Treatment on the Composition of the Soybean Plant. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Ayrs, O.L. (1902). The pollination of apples and pears with reports of experiments on kindred subjects.

Bechtel, H.E. (1935). Vitamin D Studies and Rickets. I. Seasonal Variation of Vitamin D in Normal Milks. Ii. Vitamin D Content of the Corn Plant and Corn Silage. Iii. Pathology of Rickets in Dairy Calves. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Bennett, C.W. (1920). Phoma root rot of celery.

Benson, E.B. (1917). A fertilization experiment with rhubarb.

Brandes, E.W. (1915). The inheritance of yellow-berry in wheat.

Brierley, W.G. (1930). A Study of Senescence of the Red Raspberry Cane. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Brown, R.L. (1901). A study of the influence of temperature and acidity upon the quality of the butter when ripened with X bacillus acidi lactici.

Brownell, S.J. (1922). Market milk problems of Michigan.

Buchanan, R.L. (1915). Inheritance of earliness in oats.

Buck, R.B.A. (1896). A comparison of the three methods of cream separation, in terms of butter produced.

Carrier, L. (1913). The immediate effect on yield of crossing strains of corn.

Chang, H.C. (1922). The comparative values of corn silage, alfalfa hay, bean pods, and clover hay for wintering ewe lambs.

Christoulias, C.D. (1922a). A review of world wheat production with special reference to Grecian wheat supply and suggestions for increasing it.

Christoulias, C.D. (1922b). The comparative value of skim milk, powdered dry skim milk,and tankage as protein supplements to corn for pork production.

Cochran, L.C. (1936). A Study of Some Virus Diseases of Celery. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Cole, R.C. (1932). The Diurnal and Seasonal Changes in the Sugar Content of the Sap and Tissue of Potato Plants as Affected by Fertilization. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Cordley, A.B. (1900). Apple tree anthracnose.

Coulter, E.W. (1929). Significance of the colon-aerogenes group in ice cream.

Coulter, W.M. (1918). Commercial fertilizers for vegetable crops.

Craig, A.G. (1902). Relation of insects to the pollination of pears and apples.

Dean, C. (1902). Bread experiments.

DeCamp, J.C. (1923). Nut trees as a money crop in Michigan.

Dickens, L.C. (2010). Cheese fever: a history of “soft Michigan” cheese, 1825--1925.

Doolittle, S.P. (1915). Cucumber scab caused by cladosporium cucumerinum.

Drew, H.E. (1917). The relative values of corn and barley for mutton and porkproduction.

Duarte, R.A. (1961). Component interaction in relation to mean expression of complex traits in a field bean cross.

Dunford, J.A. (1902). Perpetuation of milk starters.

Elliott, J.A. (1897). A comparative test of certain egg preservatives.

Estes, H.R. (1923). The practicability of the “pH” test as a means of city milk control.

Eustace, H.J. (1901). The apple.

Fabian, F.W. (1924). A bacteriological study of the homogenizing process in making ice cream.

Fimple, L.P.R. (1896). The amount of bacteria in milk.

Foster, F.O. (1913). Fermented milk.

Frutchey, C.W. (1935). A Study of Stewart’s Disease of Sweet Corn Caused by Phytomonas Stewarti. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Fu, P.K. (1916). Inheritance of size and shape in beans.

Fulton, S.H. (1897). Diseases of the apple.

Godkin, J. (1917). Internal structure of some apple varieties.

Goss, R.W. (1915). Potato wilt caused by fusarium oxysporum.

Gould, G.N. (1899). The foul materials in wheat.

Grigsby, B.H. (1937). Physiological Investigations in Red Raspberry Plants Inoculated with Red Raspberry Mosaic. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Grizzard, A.L. (1935). Effects of Soil Type and Soil Treatments on the Chemical Composition of Alfalfa Plants. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Hartman, S.B. (1910). The cost of an orchard.

Hoover, B.B. (1915). A comparison of spring & winter wheat flour as influenced by compressed, dry & liquid yeasts.

Horton, N.B. (1902). The controlling of gassy cheese milk by starters.

Isbell, C.L. (1928). Growth Studies of the Pecan. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

KenKnight, G. (1939). Studies on Soil Actinomycetes in Relation to Potato Scab and Its Control. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Klotz, L.J. (1921). A study of the celery early blight fungus, Cercospora apiifres.

Knox, F.H. (1923). Better production & marketing of the Michigan potato crop.

Kotila, J.E. (1920). Investigations of the blackleg disease of the potato.

Krentel, A.C. (1899). A comparative study of the grain of our most important cereals.

Krum, J.K. (1948). A study of the bacteriology of the desalting process in pickle manufacture.

Kurtz, M.B. (1914). A study of the original acid reaction of milk to phenolphthalein.

Loesell, C.M. (1936). Size of Plot and Number of Replications Necessary for Varietal Trials with White Pea Beans. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Loree, R.E. (1925). Pot experiments with strawberries.

Makemson, W.K. (1917). The leaf mold of tomatoes, caused by Cladosporium fulvum Cke.

Michael, C.E. (1939). The Development of Mold on Cold Storage Eggs and Methods of Control. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Moore, J.G. (1909). Seedless vegetables: their production & value.

Morse, H.H. (1934). The Toxic Influence of Fluorine in Phosphatic Fertilizers on the Germination of Corn. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Morse, N.M. (1896). Comparison of fat globules.

Munn, M.T. (1917). The Botrytis neck rot disease of onions.

Van Norman, H.E. Thesis on causes influencing the daily yield of fat and milk.

Normington, R. (1919). Studies in the heat resistant organisms of cold packed canned peas.

Ogiwara, H. (1915). The visible quality of market milk as affected by clarification & pasteurization.

Olney, A.J. (1920). Variations of variety characteristics in tomato production.

Paddock, F. (1901). The thermal-death-point of micro-organisms found in “spoiled” canned fruit.

Peacock, N.D. (1938). A Study of the Relative Importance of Various Factors Controlling Profits in Strawberry Production. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Peiser, K. (1915). The bacteriology of cream ripening & churning.

Pickett, W.F. (1935). The Relationship Between the Internal Structure and Photosynthetic Behavior of Apple Leaves. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Porter, A.M. (1917). Part I. The influence of sodium chloride and sodium nitrate on asparagus production. Part II. Does asparagus profitability increase in length or weight by placing it in water in the cold storage.

Porter, A.M. (1937). The Effect of Light Intensity on the Photosynthetic Efficiency of Tomato Plants. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Putnam, G.W. (1922). Breeding disease resistant strains of Phaseolus vulgaris.

Quinet, R.I. (1928). The effect of hydrogen ion concentration on the bacterial content of milk during pasteurization.

Reed, C.A. (1913). Nuts in relation to agriculture.

Schleussner, O.W. (1917). Some reasons for recent advances in, & present high pricesof, horticultural food products.

Shannon, A.M. (1939). A Biological Method for the Determination of Essential Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Its Application to Various Animal and Vegetable Fats. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Sie, W.K. (1917). Studies on inheritance of shape in beans.

Sitton, B.G. (1931). Vegetative Propagation of the Black Walnut, with Special Reference to the Factors Influencing Callus Formation and Union in Grafting. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Smith, W.W. (1935). The Course of Stone Cell Formation in the Pear Fruits. Ph.D. Michigan State University

Stewart, D. (1924). Seedling diseases of sugar beets.

Stoll, R.C. (1922). A comparison of the standard & commercial methods of creamtesting.

Tisdale, L.E. (1921). Bacterial soft rot of lettuce.

Tracy, S.W. (1896). The best methods of preserving milk.

Trevithick, A. (1924). A study of some bacteria isolated from retted flax fiber.

Tweed, R.L. (1920). A study of the effect of milk upon the bacterial flora of the intestinal tract.

Tyson, J. (1929). Influence of Soil Conditions, Fertilizer Treatments and Light Intensity on Growth, Chemical Composition, and Enzymic Activities of Sugar Beets. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Vaughn, A.B. (1897). Bread.

Vaughn, A.B. (1898). Domestic canning of fruit.

Voorhorst, R.G. (1917). Correlation of the tree characters of apples.

WILSIE, C.P. (1931). Fermentation Studies with Soft Wheat Flours. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Woodroof, J.G. (1932). Studies of the Staminate Infloresence (sic) and Pollen of Hicoria Pecan. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

ZumBrunnen, M.E. (2009). 2007 evaluation of the Michigan State University ExtensionSugarbeet Advancement program a descriptive case study.