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Dissertations and Theses about Michigan State University: Botany

Theses and dissertations authored by MSU scholars that focus on MSU as one of the subjects of research.


Emmel, M.W. (1930). A study of the bacterial flora of the feces & intestinal contents of the fowl.

Fimple, L.P.R. (1896). The amount of bacteria in milk.

Hasley, D.E. (1924). The cultivation of Bacterium abortus.

Justo, M. (1917). A comparative study between the normal bacterial flora of the udder & that of the genital organs of the cow.

Krum, J.K. (1948). A study of the bacteriology of the desalting process in pickle manufacture.

Paddock, F. (1901). The thermal-death-point of micro-organisms found in “spoiled” canned fruit.

Trevithick, A. (1924). A study of some bacteria isolated from retted flax fiber.

West, O.P. (1896). Bacteria of water.



Bach, F.A. (1901). Forage plants.
Belliss, M. (1898). A comparison of the scales and rootstocks of some of the mints.
Boyle, J.G. (1914). Transplanting as a factor in growing plants.
Cartland, A.T. (1897). The distribution of basswood seed.
Caryl, R.E. (1921). Bud selection.
Gage, G.R. (1915). Culture experiments with rusts.
Giles, R.A. (1941). A survey of the indigenous and naturalized, herbaceous flowering plants, exclusive of the grasses and sedges, growing within a ten mile radius of the Michigan state college.
Hoffman, H.V. (1920). Comparative tests on farm lighting plants.
Krakover, L.J. (1915). A macrosporium leaf spot disease of red clover.
Mogge, N.W. (1914). Ways and methods of hastening the growth of plants by small cold frames and protectors.
Skeels, H.C. (1898). Seeds per pound of timothy, alfalfa and five clovers.
Valasek, D.M. (1972). A botanical inventory of Sandhill Woodlot: with emphasison phenology and comparative aspects of this and other central Michigan woodlots.

Trees and Shrubs

Bempong, M.A. (1967). Karyomorphological and cytological investigations of poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch.

Calkins, E.A. (1898). Causes of damage to forests.

Keppeler, H.W. (1967). Factors in the growth of axillary buds in Chrysanthemum morifolium.

Malone, B. (1900). The colors of cultivated flowers.

Patriarche, H.K. (1902). Culture & ringing of chrysanthemums.

Robinson, B.B. (1924). On the inheritance of flower color in alfalfa.

Swartz, D. (1924). Studies on the Bermuda lily disease.

Watson, E.E. (1926). Contributions to a Monograph of the Genus Helianthus. Ph.D. Michigan State University.



Bempong, M.A. (1967). Karyomorphological and cytological investigations of poinsettia, Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch.

Keppeler, H.W. (1967). Factors in the growth of axillary buds in Chrysanthemum morifolium.

Malone, B. (1900). The colors of cultivated flowers.

Patriarche, H.K. (1902). Culture & ringing of chrysanthemums.

Robinson, B.B. (1924). On the inheritance of flower color in alfalfa.

Swartz, D. (1924). Studies on the Bermuda lily disease.

Watson, E.E. (1926). Contributions to a Monograph of the Genus Helianthus. Ph.D. Michigan State University.



Aatish, S. (1977). The role of deans and chairpersons in graduate education in selected colleges at Michigan State University.

Adams, H.R. (1924). Some effects of sulfur on crops and soils.

Barnum, W.T. (1896). Bacteriology of the soil.

Berry, J.T. (1896). Determination of the amount of CaSO₄ washed out of soils by drainage waters.

Birdsall, B.J. (1941). A Study of Cyanamide Decomposition in Soils. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Carpenter, M.C. (1924). The relation of fusaria to various culture media.

Carter, L.S. (1935). Some Chemical and Biological Changes Produced in a Fox Sandy Loam Soil by Certain Soil Management Practices. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Cobb, M.A. (1922). Residual effect of calcium sulphate on soils.

Dunbar, J.M. (1996). Effect of selection on the structure of a 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4-D) degrading guild in soil.

Fonder, J.F. (1929). The Effect of Soil Type Upon the Calcium and Magnesium Content and Other Physiological Characters of Several Important Legumes. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Geib, W.J. (1915). The soil survey and its relation to agricultural development.

Goetz, C.H. (1913). Investigation & uses of yellow pine soils for horticulture& agriculture.

Grizzard, A.L. (1935). Effects of Soil Type and Soil Treatments on the Chemical Composition of Alfalfa Plants. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Gruzit, O.M. (1916). The effect of some acids, alkalis & inorganic salts on soil bacteria in the soil solution.

Hay, R.C. (1951). Development of a soil and water laboratory for an agricultural engineering department.

Howe, F.W. (1907). An agronomic study of plant growth as affected by barnyardmanure, a balanced artificial fertilizer, leaching, & soil-ventilation: with incidental reference to the question of plant-derived toxins in the soil.

Hurd, W.D. (1908). The restoration of fertility to New England soils.

Kapp, L.C. (1929). The Approximate Size of Soil Particles at Which the Heat of Wetting Is Manifested. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

KenKnight, G. (1939). Studies on Soil Actinomycetes in Relation to Potato Scab and Its Control. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Langworthy, H.V. (1915). The factors influencing the longevity of microorgansims when subjected to desiccation.

Lauritzen, C.W. (1934). Displacement of Soil Solubles Through Plant Roots by Means of Air Pressure as a Method of Studying Soil Fertility Problems. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Sarkissian, S.D. (1922). A study of the rate of decay of organic matter in sand at different depths.

Spurway, C.H. (1914). Outlines of soil subjects for teachers.

Stewart, J.B. (1901). Capillary rise of water in soils.

Tuttle, H.F. (1912). Some factors influencing the capillary water in soil.

Tyson, J. (1929). Influence of Soil Conditions, Fertilizer Treatments and Light Intensity on Growth, Chemical Composition, and Enzymic Activities of Sugar Beets. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Wheeting, L.C. (1917). The effect of moisture content, temperature, & compaction upon the movement of soluble salts in soils.