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Dissertations and Theses about Michigan State University: MSU Departments

Theses and dissertations authored by MSU scholars that focus on MSU as one of the subjects of research.

MSU Departments (Subject term)

Abbett, W.S. (1974). An analysis of actual and preferred patterns of faculty activity in the College of Engineering at Michigan State University.

Anderton, J.F. (1997). Constituting governing boards of land-grant universities.

Apple, J.M. (1952). A proposed plan for the organization and operation of the School of Engineering of Michigan State College.

Asplin, K.H. (1968). A study of factors related to satisfaction among sophomoreengineering students at Michigan State University.

Baldwin, J.J. (1964). A study of student attenders and nonattenders at the University Theatre, Michigan State University, 1963-64.

Baldwin, S.L. (2004). Disposal of edible food by-products generated from research at Michigan agricultural experiment stations.

Beasley, E.M. (2012). The many sides of academic dishonesty sanctions.

Bechard, J.E. (1970). The College of Education at Michigan State University as an organization: a survey of the perceptions of its students, faculty and administrators.

Bellamy, P. (1989). University undergraduate division advisor influence on student curricular choice in the field of agriculture.

Benns, R.E. (1987). Implementation and evaluation of an “Early Warning System” an academic monitoring device for minority sophomore, junior, and senior engineering students.

Bornstein, T. (1978). A follow-up study, comparing graduates’ and supervisors’ ratings of the effectiveness of Michigan State University teacher education programs (1969-1976).

Brandt, R.P. (1970). The relationship of selected preadmission data to graduation, measures of graduate performance, and department profiles of College of Education Master’s students at Michigan State University.

Brown, H.I. (1960). A study of the membership criterion, the basic features, and student appraisals of the Michigan State University Honors College.

Brown, N.A. (1970). Characteristics and influence patterns of students who enroll in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resourcesafter first enrolling in another college.

Burton, Shannon Lynn. (2012). Building the bridge: A phenomenological examination of academic advising's role in campus internationalization.

Cattanach, J. (1972). A survey of student attitudes toward the Michigan State University Residence Hall system.

Chiu, C.-H. (2011). Negotiating linguistic certainty for ESL writers at the Writing Center.

Clarke, C.F. (1948). The relationship of science deficiencies to subsequent academic progress in the School of engineering at Michiganstate college of agriculture and applied science.

Clem, P.N. (1958). A study of the Michigan State University full-time resident student teaching program.

Cole, D.E. (1978). A trend analysis of academic measures of minority matriculants: Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1974, 1975, and 1976 entering classes.

Cole, G.E. (1967). The objectives of the Justin S. Morrill College as perceived by its members.

Collar, D. (1988). “Hello Posterity”: the life and times of G. Robert Vincent, founder of the National Voice Library.

Colman, James Peter. (1990). The development and validation of a computerized diagnostic test for the prediction of success in the first-year music theory sequence by incoming freshmen at Michigan State University.

Coolidge, H.E. (1970). Impact of sponsored projects on selected academic departments of Michigan State University during 1964-1969.

Cooper, J.C. (1981). Consumer characteristics and post-purchase satisfaction: a comparative study of accounting and hotel and restaurant management majors.

Creaser, O.K. (1972). Opinion survey of selected rural, suburban and urban in-service elementary teachers about their undergraduate teacher education program at Michigan State University.

Cullen, M.R. (1966). The presidency of Jonathan LeMoyne Snyder at Michigan Agricultural College, 1896-1915.

Cullen, N.H. (1942). Written evaluation at Justin Morrill College: implementing an organizational innovation.

Davis, F.W. (1971). The determination of the role of bus transit in the university environment a case study of Michigan State University.

Dimmick, J.B. (1893). Design of a hot water system for Abbot Hall.

Early, W.J. (1963). An evaluation and analysis of the Extern Program in educational administration at Michigan State University.

Edwards, W.B. (1931). A structural analysis of the Michigan state college library building.

Emerson, M.R. (1964). A food production and service portion control program in aMichigan State University residence hall.

Enos, B.R. (1971). An examination of Michigan State University faculty and academic administrators’ opinions regarding undergraduate student involvement in selected academic decision making matters.

Faricy, W.H. (1972). A classification of academic departments at Michigan StateUniversity based on functional characteristics.

Fedore, R.R. (1969). An evaluation of the Report on the “Academic Freedom for Students at Michigan State University.”

Fee, V.C. (1967). A history of the pre-school program in the College of HomeEconomics at Michigan State University.

Fickett, J.H. (2003). A history of the School of Music at Michigan State University.

Fitch, T.C. (1969). Role expectations for intern consultants: views of intern teachers and intern consultants in the Michigan State University Elementary Intern Program.

Form, A.L. (1952). Student attitudes toward counselors and the counseling center at Michigan state college.

Frost, G.J. (1971). The building of an academic community: James Madison College.

Frumkin, J.R. (1983). A study of the development of the structure of faculty participation in university-level governance at Michigan State University.

Gardner, L.D. (2012). Down on the farm: A qualitiative study of sustainable agriculture and food systems education at liberal arts colleges and universities. M.S. Michigan State University.

Gies, T.P. (1931). The effect of training in high school chemistry on accomplishment of first term chemistry at Michigan State College.

Giesman, H.A. (2004). Behind the documentary creating a DVD teaching tool for video production students.

Golseth, A.E. (1974). An assessment of the self-supported, educational-vocational counseling program for nonstudent adults sponsored by the continuing education service and the counseling center of Michigan State University.

Gottschalk, K.J. (2006). Impact of change orders on overall project budget within university projects.

Gould, R.E. (1954). Cost of fringe benefits in a college residence hall food service operation.

Hall, D.W. (1963). Safety management in Michigan State University residence halls.

Harden, D.F. (1969). Selected affective and cognitive characteristics of students in the Lyman Briggs College and the College of Natural Science at Michigan State University.

Hay, R.C. (1951). Development of a soil and water laboratory for an agricultural engineering department.

Hekhuis, L.F. (1967). A comparison of the perceptions of students and faculty atMichigan State University with respect to student participation in university policy formulation.

Helder, W.J. (1971). An evaluation of the preparation of junior high school teachers at Michigan State University.

Heyboer, G.A. (2000). Perceptions about undergraduate programs a study of recent graduates of the College ofAgriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University and their employers.

Hilbert, R.J. (1977). Human anatomy instruction involving a peer assisted learning design and computer tutorial interaction.

Hirotani, M. (1995). International TV co-production between Japan and the United States: A case study of NHK as a Japanese TV station and WKAR as a US TV station. M.A. Michigan State University.

Hoeksema, P.D. (1969). Audio-tutorial biology in Lyman Briggs College at MichiganState University.

Holmes, L.L. (1974). The biographical inventory (BIB) in academic advisement: exploratory use in the school of medical technology at Michigan State University.

Hubbard, V.E. (1959). Labor hours and labor cost for two types of noon hour scheduling in a college residence hall cafeteria.

Hudson, D.J. (2008). Evaluation of switchgrass and big bluestem for use in cool-season grazing systems to improve seasonal forage yield and livestock gains. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Jackson, C.L. (1971). A study of selected student teaching experiences reported by Michigan State University cluster program and conventional program student teachers.

Jaffer, R.A. (2008). Diversity in higher education: Hiring policies and practices to diversify faculty in the College of Agriculture at a midwestern university. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Jardine, M.E. (1965). Selecting and developing audiovisual materials for the equipment unit of a quantity foods course.

Jones, E.A. (1994). Community policing at MSU: community preferences, community satisfaction and police/citizen involvement.

Kaelke, M.E. (1967). A study of the influence of selected orientation programs on the environmental perceptions of community college transfer students attending Michigan State University.

Kafer, L.G. (1966). An analysis of selected characteristics and experiences offreshman students in the Michigan State University Justin Morrill College.

Kashkashian, D. (1988). The influence of institutional structure on financial performance by firms which commercialize university research.

Kim, Hyojeong. (2013). Different approaches to written feedback from a writing center and an ESL lab.

King, H.C. (1962). An analysis of educational-administrative-cultural aspectsof the relationship between the University of the Ryukyus and Michigan State University.

King, W.D. (1980). A multiple output translog cost function estimation of academic labor services.

Koopman, G. (1939). A stress analysis of Louise H. Cambell Hall.

Kovalcik, A.J. (1948). A quantity and cost estimate of the veterans barracks apartments of the Michigan state college.

Kurf, P.J. (2008). Teaching student leadership as a practicum option in a Student Affairs Administration master’s degree program.

LaBaw, N.L. (1960). A study of the acceptance and rejection of the foundationsof physical education course by freshmen men at Michigan State University.

Lang, S.D. (1988). Packaging engineering drafting and design.

Lange, N.Q. (1989). Foreign student satisfaction with housing and academic life at Michigan State University.

Larkins, H.C. (1966). A survey of experiences, activities, and views of the Industrial Security Administration graduates of Michigan State University.

Lawrence, R.E. (1965). The relationship among the factors of counselor-client social class similarity, empathic understanding, and felt similarity.

Lee, I. (1996). How medical students adapt learning strategies to problem-based learning.

Lee, S.-Y. (2005). Improving dietetics and nutritional sciences students’ attitudes towards working with older adults: pedagogicalimplications.

LeTourneau, J. (2012). Institutional change in a higher education environment: Factors in the adoption and sustainability of information technology project management best practices. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Lewis, L.B. (2000). Learning to advise academic advisersand organizational communities of practice.

Lorenz, M.K. (1970). A descriptive study of the backgrounds, attitudes, and values of home economics students at Michigan State University.

Lovgren, Adam. (2012). How can assistance programs create value for entrepreneurs? A grounded theory case study of the Michigan State University Product Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Lovgren, Adam. (2014). Who seeks assistance and what do they get out of it? An impact evaluation of the MSU Product Center.

Mahony Betterly, J. (1993). The College of Business core curriculum as it relates to first job skill and knowledge needs.

Maletzke, G.C. (2009). Reconciling good intentions: The university-USAID partnership. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Marquardt, H.R. (1961). The role of the resident assistant in the men’s residence halls at Michigan State University.

Mathis, C.C. (2000). Attitudes of Michigan State University students in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and those not in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources regarding diversity. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

McFarland, J. (1960). A study of swimming ability and related factors.

McKinnon, R.D. (1976). A study of the expected and experientiallly perceived environment of a residence hall at Michigan State University.

Medendorp, C.L. (1994). MSU outreach program evaluation.

Mentley, M.C. (1971). Some relationships between personality, class selection characteristics and teacher attitude change of secondary teaching methods students, Michigan State University, winter term, 1971.

Midgley, A.M. (2010). Examining the funding request process between public higher education and the state legislature. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Miller, E.R. (2011). Public higher education governing boards: The role of social networks. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Miralis, Y.C. (2002). Multicultural-world music education and music teacher education at the Big Ten schools identified problems and suggestions.

Moore, H.C. (1970). Reported and projected attendance at hall programs in graduate housing at Michigan State University.

Morse, J.L. (1916). Comparison of mechanical engineering subjects.

Morton, J.L. (1991). The history of the journalism program at Michigan State University.

Murley, D.E. (1992). Un-American activities at Michigan State College John Hannah and the Red Scare 1946-1954.

Murley, D.E. (1993). Un-American activities at Michigan State College: John Hannah and the Red Scare, 1946-1954. M.A. Michigan State University.

Naidu, G.M. (1969). Systems approach to the marketing aspects of higher education.

Nigro, K.A. (1973). An analysis of an appraisal, by graduates, of the specialist and doctoral programs in educational administration at Michigan State University.

Norris, C.A. (1976). An alternative secondary teacher education program at Michigan State University: Preliminary study.

Nwagwu, C.M.-C. (1995). Fiscal decision making in academic departments during resource stringency a case study ofMichigan State University in the R-cubed period (1988-92).

Nye, R.L. (1921). A century of progress in agricultural education.

Nyquist, J.G. (1981). A comparison of the quality of selected multiple-choice item types within medical school examinations.

O’Brien, D.J. (1998). Spatial and temporal comparison of selected cancers in dogs and humans, Michigan, 1964-1994.

Obielodan, J.B. (1996). Evaluating the efficacy of computer courseware designed tosupport concept learning in college-level physiology.

Osteen, J.M. (1979). A follow-up study of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine graduates of Michigan State University, 1913-1976.

Palmer, D.A. (1976). Student perceptions of residence hall environment at Michigan State University.

Park, H. (1984). A study of perceptions of library personnel concerning computer application at the Michigan State University library.

Parrish, S.E. (1975). Comparison of personal values of home economics and human ecology students at Michigan State University, 1968-1975.

Pataniczek, D.A. (1978). A descriptive study of the concerns of first-year teacherswho are graduates of the secondary education pilot programat Michigan State University.

Peart, P.O. (1985). A study of the factors that affect graduate students’ academic progress in the department of Educational Administration at Michigan State University.

Phillips, Benjamin Paul. (2015). All-American activism: Athletic activism, reactionary rhetoric, and reactive changes within the Big Ten Conference as part of the social justice movement.

Pierson, T.J. (1983). A comparison of attitudes toward social and educational experiences of seniors in the college of Natural Science and Lyman Briggs college at Michigan State University.

Pope, D.J. (1966). An analysis of the educational testing program of the School of Police Administration and Public Safety.

Poole, J.E. (1912). Apprentices.

Poulios, S.P. (2005). Academic success in college general chemistry.

Preston, H.A. (1928). The design of a reinforced concrete laboratory building for the department of civil engineering.

Preston, M.R. (1965). A study of work activities for range preparation area personnel in two university residence halls.

Price, J. (2003). Faculty use of service-learning within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University.

Randall, S.A. (1968). A curriculum plan for an advanced textiles course.

Raven, P.E. (1913). Extension work in home economics in normal schools.

Roth, D. (2008). A practical course in documentary theatre.

Roth, H.F. (1979). The effects of variations in mode of visual presentation and sequence of question feedback on achievement in a microanatomy course.

Rykert, W.L. (1985). Michigan State University the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University 1935-1963.

Saboury, S.S. (1988). A study to compare the perceptions of academic advisors concerning student advising at Michigan State University.

Sackey, D.J. (2009). Making a rhetoric of sustainability tracing “local” dimensions in environmental writing.

Savala, L.A. (2003). A profile of learner engagement within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University.

Schweingruber, D.L. (1971). A comparative study of electrical engineering alumni concerning their undergraduate program.

Scontrino, M.P. (1968). A study of the orientation program used by the residence halls at Michigan State University.

Sharma, S.L. (1976). A program evaluation study of osteopathic medical education at Michigan State University using clinical clerkship students.

Shear, T.M. (1964). An evaluation of core curriculum in the College of Home Economics.

Shipley, T.B. (1973). A survey of the attitudes of the 1972-1973 members of the Michigan State University Academic Council with respect toone year of student participation in academic governance.

Shrestha, K.M. (2009). Students’ perspectives on the undergraduate education in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University.

Shuib, R. (1983). The perceptions and belief patterns of faculty members in the College of Education toward public service.

Smith, F.E. (1976). Educational television broadcasting at Michigan State University: an historical analysis of the impact of operational conditions on programming, 1954-1974.

Smith, M.M. (1968). A history of the development of the home management idea at Michigan State University.

Snyder, H.Z. (1961). An investigation of the educational potential of the Kellog Bird Sanctuary.

Spence, C.C. (1970). Perceptions of selected faculty and undergraduate studentsof three different environments at a complex university using the College and University Environment Scale: an experimental social science residential college, a conventional living-learning residence hall and a college of social science.

Stevens, G.R. (1971). Justin Morrill College: an assessment of an experimentalventure in liberal education at Michigan State University.

Stewart, D.W. (1967). An evaluation of the Michigan State University sports information office interaction with Michigan daily newspapers fall - 1966.

Stoops, L.V. (1971). A study of tracking as a multiple option approach in the Department of Natural Science at Michigan State University.

Stuart, D.A. (1966). The application of formula and cost analysis procedures tothe budgeting of academic departments.

Tarpey, T.P. (1963). The university: contributor to executive development in the food industry.

Terrill, C.R. (1984). A descriptive study of the differences of perceptions of benefit of criminal justice experiential education students at Michigan State University: a follow-up.

Thomas, F.S. (1978). Assessing curriculum in terms of relevance to critical societal problems: a study of the programs of the College of Urban Development at Michigan State University.

Thompkins, G.O. (1998). Influences and academic interests of freshman minority engineering students at Michigan State University: implications for minority student retention.

Tiezzi, L.J. (1991). Influences of a professional development institute on teachers’ learning about teaching reading to chapter I students.

Turner, L.L. (1967). An investigation of the information level and attitudes ofthe undergraduate television-radio students at Michigan State University.

Ullmann, N.J.D. (2010). Socio-technical barriers and benefits of leveraging socialmedia within the Writing Center and the classroom at Michigan State University understanding the conflicts caused by different modes of production on group behavior.

Walker, E.S. (1979). Is upstairs on fourth floor where they tape tapes?: a film script for a television documentary on the Michigan State University Library.

Wallace, D.R. (1986). Impact of the Minority Apprenticeship Program experience on selection of a major preference in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources by minority freshmen at Michigan State University.

Webster, R.W. (1972). The development of the Dean of Students Office at MichiganState University.

Wentworth, C.R. (1970). A descriptive study of 1,464 secondary school students whowere denied admission to Michigan State University.

Wild, H.L. (1955). A comparison of labor hours and labor costs in two women’sresidence halls.

Wink, L. (1979). A readership survey of ANR, the College of Agriculture andNatural Resources Alumni Association magazine.

Wyeth, I.R. (1953). A study of the agricultural graduates of Michigan State College.

Zain, A.N.M. (1988). Factors influencing the extent of use of instructional computing in introductory physics at four tertiary institutions.

Zatechka, D.S. (1974). An exploratory study of Michigan State University residence hall staff attitudes and perceptions concerning the implementation of a management by objectives system.

Zdrojkowski, M.R.T. (2007). Laughter in interaction the discourse function of laughter in writing tutorials.

Ziembo-Vogl, J.M. (1993). The use of Dale Carnegie training by law enforcement agencies: a comparative analysis of Dale Carnegie trained and non-Dale Carnegie trained officers within community policing oriented departments.

MSU Faculty & Staff (Subject term)

Aatish, S. (1977). The role of deans and chairpersons in graduate education in selected colleges at Michigan State University.

Alexander, B.K. (1983). Toward an understanding of faculty collective bargaining: a secondary analysis of a survey of faculty at Michigan State University.

Arthur, C.L. (1991). Public and community service activities of faculty and academic staff members at a land-grant institution: a study of Michigan State University.

Asuquo Ebiana, B.I. (1993). Deans as fundraisers: an analysis of factors that contributed to or impeded deans’ performance during a capital campaign.

Bowers, F.M. (1949). Layout of a residential subdivision for Michigan state college faculty.

Cammack, E.F. (1964). A study of factors related to mobility and faculty productivity and achievement at Michigan State University: a follow-up study.

Campo, M.L. (1999). Arguing for change arguments by activists, non-activists and in the media regarding domestic partner benefits.

David, C. (1983). The effects of stressors in the work environment on faculty productivity in academic year 1980-81.

Frumkin, J.R. (1983). A study of the development of the structure of faculty participation in university-level governance at Michigan State University.

Gould, R.E. (1954). Cost of fringe benefits in a college residence hall food service operation.

Halverson, J.F.E. (1977). Department chairpersons: information storage and retrieval systems and the use of presently available and potentially available faculty data.

Hanna, D.E. (1978). Faculty participation in continuing education: a case study.

Hintz, J.A. (1974). An examination of goal congruence and perceived need for greater cooperation between undergraduate teaching facultyand student personnel staff at Michigan State University.

Hockett, C.A. (1988). Women and anger: the relationship between sex role, self-esteem and awareness, expression, and condemnation of anger.

Hugine, A. (1977). The relationship between selected departmental variables and publication productivity in three academic areas at Michigan State University.

Hussain, M.N. (1987). A study of the relationship between faculty innovators’ perceptions of departmental support and adoption of instructional inovations.

Jaffer, R.A. (2008). Diversity in higher education: Hiring policies and practices to diversify faculty in the College of Agriculture at a midwestern university. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Lanham, B.T. (1961). Financial and Personnel Resources in and Recruiting and Training of Personnel in Agricultural Economics at Land-Grant Institutions. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Nevels, J.N. (1980). An assessment of attitudes of faculty women and faculty men toward faculty women in selected departments at Michigan State University.

Nienhuis, R.W. (1992). Factors influencing faculty retention: a study of job satisfaction and the role of the department chairperson asthey relate to faculty members’ decisions to remain at Michigan State University.

Pierce, M.C. (1985). The similarities and differences of the self-perceived roles and attitudes of minority and white professional women employed at Michigan State University.

Roels, S.J. (1993). Research university faculty and the influence of gender: an examination of gender’s significance in the professional satisfactions, allocation of work effort, andgeographic mobility strategies of Michigan State University’s faculty.

Schirmer, L.L. (1999). Interrelationships among adult attachment style, work stress, social support, and indexes of strain.

Shuib, R. (1983). The perceptions and belief patterns of faculty members in the College of Education toward public service.

Smith, M.A.L. (2002). Black women in the academy the experiences of tenured black women faculty on the campus of Michigan State University, 1968-1998.

Smith, M.A.L. (2012). A history of Black women faculty at Michigan State University, 1968 - 2009.

Spence, C.C. (1970). Perceptions of selected faculty and undergraduate studentsof three different environments at a complex university using the College and University Environment Scale: an experimental social science residential college, a conventional living-learning residence hall and a college of social science.

Thompson, W.J. (1973). The house organ for the employees of the Division of Dormitories & Food Services, Michigan State University.

Weber, C.A. (2004). They came before us a story of women at Michigan State University 1870-1895.

Wei, N. (2008). Do we belong here? An exploration of foreign-born faculty’s organizational attachment at a U.S. research university. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Wink, L.B. (1993). Multidimensional role performance of faculty within a research-oriented land grant university. Ph.D. Michigan State University.

Zonia, S.C. (1983). The dilemma of unionization: a longitudinal case study of faculty at Michigan State University.


MSU Extension

Adamu, U. (1996). The image of Michigan State University Extension as perceived by county extension advisory committee members and extension field staff in Michigan.
Bryson, N.C. (1979). The response of the cooperative extension service to the Great Depression in Michigan, 1929-38.
Clark, R.J. (1991). An analysis of the regional extension supervisor’s role inMichigan’s cooperative extension service.
Elafros, M.A., and Michigan State University (2008). Michigan State University Extension study of the health utilization patterns and health concerns of Michigan Latinos.
Gonzalez-Toro, C. (1985). Educational needs of Hispanics in the Lansing, Michigan area: a survey.
Hanenburg, D.K. (1986). An assessment of the public’s awareness, perception and use of the Michigan Cooperative Extension Service.
Herisse, R.P. (1995). Factors associated with the institutionalization of nonprofits: a case study of extension assisted organizations in Michigan.
Al-Howshabi, M. (1993). Preferred channels of issues-related information across the first two stages of innovation adoption: case of the Kent County Michigan State University extension clientele.
Hudson, H.C. (2002). Perceptions of county extension directors and extension agents on marketing Michigan State University Extension.

Johnson, T.R. (1998). Using diverse stakeholders to advise on land-grant research priorities: A case study of Michigan’s Agricultural Experiment Station and Extension Agricultural and Natural Resources Advisory Council. M.S. Michigan State University.

Karp, Jamie S. (2014). Process evaluation of implementing the Eat Healthy, Your Kids are Watching. A Parent's Guide to Raising a Healthy Eater program.

Lang, C.L. (1959). A study of the questions asked of county extension agents in four Michigan counties and the publications available to answer the questions.
Martinez, F.Q. (1966). A study of the Michigan Cooperative Extension Service withemphasis on foods and nutrition programs.
Meeh, D.C. (2011). Multi-species pasture rotation systems: An examination of the acreage and farm requirements to feed Michigan. M.S. Michigan State University.
Momin-Khowaja, M. (2000). Michigan extension agents’ use of information sources and channels.
Murphy, A.S. (1987). Assessment of attitudes toward dietary change of participants in the Michigan Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program.
Ngombi, B.F. (2002). The image of Michigan State University Extension as perceived by campus-based Extension faculty and staff. Ph.D. Michigan State University.
Preston, S.M. (1995). Interpreting and valuing extension.
Probyn, L.K. (2000). Diffusing among the people What do Michigan residents know about the resources available through Michigan State University Extension?
Raphael, K.L. (2001). Behavior change of selected demographic groups of MichiganState University Extension’s Family Nutrition Program’s Adult Series.
Ross, P.K. (1987). The impact of the Cooperative Extension Service Master Canner program on food preservation knowledge and attitudes.
Sugano, J.S. (2001). Usefulness and timeliness of information resources used by extension agents. M.S. Michigan State University.
Wahl, M.E. (1989). Factors influencing legislators’ perceptions of a state-supported educational organization--the Michigan Cooperative Extension Service.
Wells, E.C. (2009). Michigan State University Extension educators’ perceptionsof the use of digital technology in their work.
ZumBrunnen, M.E. (2009). 2007 evaluation of the Michigan State University ExtensionSugarbeet Advancement program a descriptive case study.