Business Career Research

Analyst Reports


Ask a Business Librarian

Gast Business Library

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Law College Building
648 N. Shaw Lane, Room 50
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(517) 355-3380

Ask a Business Librarian

Company Research

Interview Preparation

These resources will help you research a company or industry in depth and prepare you for an interview.

An interviewer may ask how you perceive the company's position in its industry, who the firm's competitors are, what its competitive advantages are, or how the company should best move forward. 

Use this guide and the resources within to explore jobs, prepare your answers and inform your questions.  

See our Company Research Guide for more database options. 

Industry Research

In addition to researching the company, you should also research the industry within which it operates. This will give you a sense of the competitive landscape and will help you speak to trends and opportunities facing the company and its competitors.

See our Industry Research Guide for more database options. 

Career Insights

MSU Career Services

Business Internships/Jobs