Use the green button to sign in with your MSU login via Okta verification, or, register for a community account with a regular email address and password. |
Once signed in, you will be taken to the “Home” tab. From there, you can upload files, and add files to your project. To upload, click “Choose Files”, select the file(s) you want and press “Open”. Finally, press the purple “Upload Files” button. |
Once you have uploaded your files, you can view them further down the page. By default, you have 256 MB of storage. If your files exceed this limit, contact the Makerspace. Please note that your files will expire after a period of time. From this page, you can “Add file to Project”, “Delete”, “View”, or “Download” your files. |
Use the green button to add your file to your project. If you are only submitting one file, you can go ahead and “Add project to cart”. For multiple files, click the blue “Add files” button to continue adding files to your project. |
Once all files have been added to your project, click the green “Add project to cart” button. | |
Now, you can name your project, and select the submission type for each file. The type of file you upload will give you only the appropriate submission type options. 3D printing - STL Laser cutting - SVG, AI, PDF CNC routing - SVG, STL |
Select all options, list the file dimensions, and pick the number of copies for each file. If you have any special needs, comments, or questions for a file, add that in the notes section. | |
Then, select your pickup option. Only orders paid with a department account payment can be shipped via campus mail. All other orders must be picked up at the MakeCentral: Service Desk. Next, click “Add to Cart”. |
Finally, you can review your project selections by using the drop down menu. Once you are ready, click “Submit Project”. | |
Once your project has been submitted, our student staff will review your files and set a price in 1-3 business days. If we have questions or issues with your file, we will send a message through MakeAtState. You will get an email notification every time we send a message but you must log into your account to respond. |