Tips for Finding Articles in the MSU Libraries

How do I look for articles on a specific topic?

How do I look for periodical articles on my research topic?
Use a periodical index such as ProQuest or OmniFile Full Text Select.
What is a periodical index?
A periodical index (often shortened to index) contains the detailed listings (citations) of articles in magazines, journals and newspapers. Some periodical indexes contain abstracts or brief summaries of the articles. A few contain the full text or entire content of whole articles as they originally appeared in the periodical. There are hundreds of different periodical indexes designed for different purposes and areas of study.
There are so many periodical indexes, how do I know which one to use?
Try these Getting Started pages. They highlight some of the most useful indexes to use, for each area of study. There are a few suggested general indexes listed below that are good to use when first starting your research.

Suggested General Indexes for Starting Your Search