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Creating Stable Links to Medical Ebooks: Introduction

How to create a stable or durable link to medical ebooks available from the MSU Libraries


This guide describes how to create stable links to electronic books, and chapters of those books, that are licensed by the MSU Libraries. Stable links (also known as durable URLS, permaURLS, and permalinks) are URLs to content that should not change over time and which authentic users who click on them as current staff, students, and faculty from MSU who have permission to access the full text.

This is done by adding or copying a URL that includes a specific string of characters that route users through MSU's proxy server which authenticates them using their MSU NetID and password. Always examine the link you are creating, if it includes proxy1 (or proxy2) in the string, you need to remove that string and add the EZproxy URL in front of the link. This will be explained in further detail for each resource listed in this guide.

The process of creating stable links varies from resource to resource. Sometimes you can copy the URL from the browser bar and sometimes this won't work because it may be specific to your current online session. Step-by-step directions for creating stable links for many resources available through the MSU Libraries are provided in the tabs of this guide.

To comply with copyright laws, you should link to a book or its chapters in your online course or website using a stable link instead of uploading the PDF or text file.

Stable links are not available for every resource and some may become unstable after a period of time. You must be diligent in managing them. The library does not assume responsibility for notifying users when stable links become unavailable or stop working.

These instructions are subject to change and we suggest checking the guide periodically to ensure you are conforming to current best practices for creating stable links.

If you need additional help please contact Iris Kovar-Gough at to troubleshoot or, if after business hours, contact Discovery Services at or 517-353-8700.

Liaison to the College of Human Medicine

Profile Photo
Iris Kovar-Gough
Michigan State University Libraries
366 W. Circle Drive, WG-1J
East Lansing, MI 48824-1048
Telephone: 517-884-0909

MSU College of Human Medicine
321 Secchia Center
15 Michigan St NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-2508
Telephone: 616-234-2742
Subjects: Medicine