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Michigan State University

HST 201: History of Ecology (Montgomery, Fall 2018): How to find books at the MSU Library

Suggested Search Terms

To search by subject for materials related to MSU history, try some of the following subject headings:

  • Michigan State University -- history
  • Michigan State University -- horticulture
  • Michigan State University -- agricultur*
  • Michigan Agricultural College
  • Michigan Agricultural College -- botanical department
  • W.J. Beal Botanical Garden

Find Books with MSU Catalog

Search the MSU catalog for books that provide general overviews of your research topic:

Advanced Catalog Search

The Book I Need Isn't Available

If the book you're looking for has been checked out, or if the library doesn't own it, you have several options for getting it:

  • MeLCAT: This searches over 450 libraries across the state of Michigan. Requests through MeLCAT can take 1-2 weeks for delivery. 
  • ILLiad: This searches libraries across the country. Requests through ILLiad can take anywhere between 3-14 business days, so be sure to submit your requests with plenty of time. 

Any books that you request through UBorrow, MeLCAT, or ILLiad can be delivered to the Patron Services Desk at the Main Library, where it will be waiting for you for pick up!