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HST 201: Spies in the Global Twentieth Century (Fall 2022): Home

Reference Sources (the first two are e-resources)


Welcome to the course guide for HST 201: Spies in the Global Twentieth Century. Click on the tabs above for information on how to search the library's catalog for books, how to search our databases to find scholarly articles, how to find primary sources, and basic citation help. 

If you have any questions about or need assistance in using the library to do research, please contact me! You can email me using the link under the profile picture to the right. 

Choosing a Research Topic

As you begin to think about potential research topics for your final project, you can use sources like encyclopedias and historical dictionaries to identify topics that are of interest. Listed to the left are a number of encyclopedias held here at the MSU Libraries that you can browse through to start brainstorming topics for your project. Look at the call number to figure out where each encyclopedia is in the library.